Tuesday, March 25, 2014

War With Conformity

Maybe I'm fighting a war that can't be won
Am I being naive to the fact that technology is everywhere and will be everywhere and there's nothing I can do about it? Is it too much to ask to want the person I want to be with to have stimulating conversations and not just talk in between Instagram pictures and tweets?
I try to think of what people do when they're idle. Watch tv, but even when they watch tv they are on their phones. I think about what I do. If I watch tv I tend to get on my phone too. But my preferred idle practice is talking, writing, or reading. I guess I'm just old fashion. I would truly be perfectly happy without social media. But I can't be without it. Because if I don't conform to the social norms I'm out of the loop. I have no idea what's going on with anyone. I could give them a call, all of them, but who has time for that these days? In between school, work, family, etc. Nobody has time for a five minute conversation anymore. Even the person sitting next to you. Even the person who you live with. They don't hear you because their eyes are focused on pictures and words that are stimulating thoughts in their mind but that leaves no room for what you have to say.
Words are a dying act that unless they are on a 4 inch lit up screen in front of your face they are meaningless.
We can't take hikes or go on walks or do anything anymore without bringing our lifeline: the cellphone.
And I'm not being a hypocrite because I carry mine everywhere with me as well.
I'm just to the point of being fed up with it.
Unfortunately my annoyance with it cannot be simply stopped by cutting myself off from technology, or even just social media.
I receive emails constantly from teachers and people I work with.
My classmates message me on facebook if they need to contact me or ask me about an assignment (and I do the same)
I'm sure that when I'm in my career, I will be in constant contact with my colleagues via email, texting, or social media of some sort.
There is no escaping it. Yet I refuse to embrace it. I merely tolerate what I must. Conform with what I have to. Use what I need to my advantage. But I won't ever like it.
There are still people out there who just want to have a simple conversation. Some of them I know, there's only a few. I'm one of them.
I'm a person who wants to use technology to bring myself closer to other people physically. Not through seeing each other on snap chat.
Take pictures together and laugh at the goofy ones.
Watch funny youtube videos together.
Stay in all day and have a no phones allowed movie day and cuddle or cry or laugh.
People are losing their personable skills. They are being taught how to communicate with other people ON A COMPUTER. My PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS...guess what? All of my speeches I gave were online, to a web cam.
I live in fear that one day, this beautiful language that Shakespeare and Chaucer and even some, few, modern day authors have embraced and made it what it is, is going to turn from LOL, OMG, Like no way, into silence.
No one reads anymore for fun. If they're reading it's something they saw on facebook or twitter. Newspapers are practically obsolete anymore. The only person I know who actually reads it is my grandma.
I really admire her. Yeah she's goofy and weird. But she is literally the only person in this world I know who ONLY uses a cell phone for talking and could care less about what the internet is. I can actually just sit and talk with her about things.
That's what I miss most. Just having conversations with people about what's going on in the world. It's rare for me. I guess I'm just not around enough people who want to have a real conversation with me. And maybe that's my problem.
Maybe I should just conform.
But everything in me won't let me.