Now I only want my close friends to be those who I know will be lifelong friends. And maybe all of them won't end up being lifelong. Life happens and I know people grow apart. But I know I only want people who have the potential of being a substantial friend in my life.
So I'm not gonna put up with people not treating me the way a friend should. Or treating my friends poorly either or barging in on others relationships. And I'm not about the high school drama crap anymore. People need to be mature and communicate what they want. I know I haven't always handled things in the best way either but at least I've realized when I'm not treating someone right and am now realizing to not allow people in my life to treat me badly.
So if you're not a very good friend to me then don't expect to hear from me. And I'll expect the same from you. Some people just are not alike and don't have the same values and that's fine. So it should also be fine that those people don't have to be friends because they feel bad about leaving someone behind.
It's your life and you never know how long or short it's going to be so you might as well make the best of it with the best people who you love to support and who love to support you.
And I am truly thankful for every one that I have in my life who have stuck it out with me and become special people in my life.