Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Constant

In with one breath, in with one life. Out with one breath, out with one life. 
The earth, this world that we live in is like a well-oiled machine. Like a good government should be, not that ours is a good example of it, this earth has checks and balances that it goes through to sustain the lives it holds. We haven't yet reached capacity but we're getting there soon enough. 
But in order to sustain new life, other lives must be sacrificed. And that is the bold nature of things. In black in white. As inhabitants of this earth we like to think it's a little more than out with the old in with the new. And I am a firm believer that that is not all that it boils out to. That someone up there has a master plan to all of this. Perhaps countless books on countless shelves with individual paths mapped out for each and every one of us. Of course the paths aren't perfect. We stray from time to time. But in the end we'll get where we were intended to be. 
Life is so swift and fast moving. Like a stream. If you think about it, there are no true increments of time. There are no days, minutes, seconds or even nano seconds. That's just how we dictate time. But truly time is ever changing. As you're reading this in your head the words are flowing into the past as soon as you can think them, faster than you can think them. We cannot stop time for even a brief moment. It is constant and continual. That's why it moves so fast. What we think of as an hour really means nothing when it comes to what time really is. It is almost impossible for us as humans to fully comprehend what time is and how it moves. Maybe I can't comprehend how it moves, but I do know how fast it moves. And in no direction in particular because it has no obstacles. No matter how much you want to capture a moment in time, or go back to a moment, that moment is long gone already. And as much as that is unfortunate, aren't we all just fortunate to have time here at all? Because of how fast and non stop time is, we must cherish the moments that were in, while we're in them. And sometimes, when you are sitting at work bored and tired because the baby kept you up all night, or you were up all night, nine hours straight of studying and now you have an exam to take, in these moments, it's harder to cherish it while you're in it. But if you think about it like, because of this particular moment, I get to have future moments with my family or my friends. It makes it all worthwhile in the end. 
And no one is invincible, though we sometimes think we are. No one lives forever. No one knows what He has planned for us or when our time down here is up. So take one of those ever-changing moments and share it with the one(s) you love. Those moments don't last long. But that's why God gave us memories. In the face of all the hardships and evil or pain in the world, God gave us these precious things called memories to which we can picture and embrace what we once had, even if we don't have that now. We can hold on to these memories for practically forever (and by forever I mean for how ever long we live). And as precious as these memories are to us, don't let them hold you back from making new ones with new people. Because those memories will be there when you need them. Those people might not always be. Time moves swiftly and smoothly. It is constant. We cannot stop or rewind it. So take a moment to take that in, and then use the rest of your moments to enjoy life, be happy, be thankful, be grateful, be good, cherish the moments while you're in them so that when they are merely a memory, they will mean that much more to you. 

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