Sunday, April 28, 2013

Enjoy It While You're Here

Wow. It will never continue to amaze me how faster and faster each year goes by. I continually think “there’s no way this year will go faster than last year” and at the end of each and every year, I sit here thinking the same exact thing: “did that year just happen?” FATHER TIME PLEASE SLOW IT DOWN I’M NOT READY. If only he would listen. If he was listening, I wouldn’t already be halfway through my college career. Sometimes I sit and wish my life away planning out how my career will be, my dogs name, what my wedding will be like, and how many kids I’m going to have. And at the end of each year like this I sit and wonder, why would I ever wish my life away like that? And each year I also think to myself that there’s no way next year could top this next one, and once again I’m proven wrong.
            Now let’s get to the real stuff: my sophomore year in college is over. Like the snap of my fingers. So many people. So many memories. So many changes. I have learned so much. (And not just in school.) I think I met more new people this year than the past four years combined. I’ve loved every minute of this year. (Relatively).  I’ve had ups and downs, but over all it has definitely been my most memorable year yet. But how could I expect less? With each new year I carry with me the new people and new things I have in my life.
            In this year I have decided what I want to do with my life. I had the best concert experience of my life (and touched Blake Shelton’s boot). I moved into my first apartment.  There are innumerable amounts of things that I did this year that I will hold on to forever. Although I will one day be excited to get out of college and into the real world, I know I’m not quite ready yet and I still have more memories and mistakes to make. School has never been my absolutely favorite thing, but I do enjoy it at times. Especially college. There is truly nothing like it. There are some things that I don’t like about it. But how could you not love living on your own without ALL the responsibilities of being a full on adult yet? It really is wonderful.
            Now after this year is said and done I have a few things to say and people to thank. First of all, to my family: thank you so much for supporting me in everything I do. I know that no matter what choices I make, good or bad, you all will always be there and have my back. No matter how many fights or what family drama is taking place, when someone needs one of you, you are always there for them. I love you all so much.
            To one of the best people I know, and my roommate for at least half of this year, Mags. Regardless of what happens you were always there for me. You are such a fun person to be around. I have made some of my best memories over the past two years with you. Between streaking the stadium and watershed, its hard to pick the best. But thank you for being a wonderful friend and roommate.
            And of course, you knew you had to be in here Bryce Jackson, since you’ve become just about the biggest part of my life and my bestest friend in the entire world. You are such an amazing person and influence on me. This year couldn’t have gone any better because of you. I have already experienced so many amazing things with you. New years, shooting shot guns, fishing, camping, I can’t get enough of any of it with you. I know that no matter what happens in the next few months, we’ll be as strong as ever. And thank you to your family for accepting me to hang out with them all the time. They are amazing too so I know where you get all of your beautiful qualities from. I hope in the next year we will still be watching Duck Dynasty on Wednesday nights and having my best friend always there with me. But just remember that I’ll support you in whatever you do or whatever decisions you make. I am always always here. I love you.
            I also must mention some of my other pretty-much-roommates, Ty and Chelsey. J You two rock and I’ve had so much fun spending time with you. Camping and fishing. At least I have someone who knows how terrible it is to have the twins ganging up on you. I can’t believe you’re leaving me next year Ty. I mean c’mon we just became best friends. It will be extremely weird with you not being here. But I know you’ll be in my life for a long time because I’m kind of crazy about your brother, so guess what, you’re stuck with me. Lucky you. I wish you the very best of luck on your new journey. I know you’ll do amazing things.
            I just can’t believe this year is over already. I feel like I should at least still have a few months of it left. But no, in a few months I’ll be starting a completely new year. And, like this one, I know I’ll make great memories and great friends and it will be an even better one, if that’s possible. So I’ll take all of these lessons I’ve learned, and memories I’ve made and go on to the next one. There’s no need in dwelling on the fact that another year is over. It is sad. But time is a forever-changing force that cannot be stopped. So the best thing to do is take everything you can and keep going along, because if you spend your time in the present thinking about the past, how are you supposed to make new memories to be remembered in the future? (this is some deep sh** going on right now, I know)
            Here’s a toast to the upcoming summer, the upcoming year, and all of the years to come. Enjoy it while you’re here.

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