Tuesday, June 18, 2013

So Do You

I think daily, we are constantly reminded of reasons to appreciate this life that we are given. Whether it be a person, a response to something, or just a moment that takes you out of a selfish perspective to see the wonderful opportunities that lay at your doorstep. Today my reminder was an older man who came into my work today. He was very old but seemed very happy and at peace with himself. I, personally had been a little down on myself the past couple days. No particular reason. Well, maybe one. But anyways back to the old man and his wife. It was pretty slow in the restaurant at the time so I was just doing some deep cleaning trying to pass the time. I brought them their food. He talked to me for a little while about his family. He showed me pictures of his grand children and his great grand children. And then he asked me if I’d like to see a picture of his pride and joy. I said yes of course. So he pulls out a picture of two cleaning products, one with a label “Pride” and the other labeled “Joy”. I started laughing and said that was a good one. Thought about personally using it myself but since I’ve mentioned it on here now I don’t think it would work, not only that but I don’t know if I could pull of the whole comedic act anyways. As I kept working he or his wife would mention something to me. He made jokes about charging me for his food and what not. And I said I’m happy to be serving someone with such personality. To that comment he responded, well I have to be in a good mood, I’ve had over 15 surgeries in the past 10 months. I said wow, I almost have to have the dentist happy gas me just to clean my teeth. I can’t imagine that many surgeries in a hospital. Then he told me that in three cases they almost took his life. To that I said, well no wonder you’re such a happy person, you have so many reasons to appreciate and be thankful for your life. And he smiled and said, yes that’s right, but so do you.

            So do you.

And I really do. I needed that conversation and that moment in my life. I am a pretty thankful person. I realize and appreciate what I have been blessed with in my life. But sometimes you get so caught up in yourself, in your own world, and when your small little world isn’t going exactly as you’d like it to, you get down on yourself, and you forget about all of the good things, people, and opportunities that you have surrounding you. I try to remember to be thankful and say so every night before I go to bed. Just to take a couple minutes to think about all of the things in my life that mean so much to me. But then there will be days where my mind gets clouded with things I don’t have or things I can’t do and I’m misguiding myself. But it’s little things like that conversation I had with that gentleman and his wife today that bring me back to a position where I know how incredibly blessed I truly am. I love my life and I love the people and the things in it. (not all of the things and not all of the people [aka my batshit crazy boss]). But there is so little to be down about and so much to be happy about.

Like for instance how my WONDERFULLY AMAZING HANDSOME STRONG STUDLY boyfriend played in his game today. Regardless of the outcome of the game, he did so well and I am so so proud of him. Words can truly not express how excited and happy I was to watch him pitch. He has come so far. In all of the time that I’ve known Bryce, he either wasn’t in season for baseball, and when he was, he was injured. I know he has worked so hard, and has had so much motivation to get back to this point and now he’s healthy and doing amazing! So since this is the first time he’s actually played his sport, he can’t technically call me a cleat chaser ;) I just love him so much and am so proud of all that he has accomplished.

In other news in my life. Well there really isn’t any. Just enjoying summer and working. My mom and my grandma are going to come visit me in Pullman in a few weeks so that will be so nice to see them. Hope everyone is having either a good start or good continuation of their summer. I’m glad I have so many reasons to love my life and be happy. But so do you. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sydney, you are such a beautiful person inside and out!!! I couldn't be more happy for you and Bryce to have each other!!! The love you two share for each other is amazing!! This so made me cry!! We all have so many things to be thankful for and appreciate. Sometimes it takes conversations like the one you had with the older gentleman and his wife to make us realize how lucky in life we are. Love you
