Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is our economy making the poor poorer and the rich richer? Why are we not able to travel to other universes to see what else is out there? All of these “why” questions and no answers. Actually, we have answers to some of them. That may not be the problem. The problem lies in what the answers are. The worst “why” questions are the ones that we have perfectly good answers and solutions for yet do nothing to direct that change. And then the questions we do not have answers to can lead to such confusion and things that our minds just cannot comprehend. For instance, “Who created us? Why did they create us? Who created them? Who created everything? What exactly entails in ‘everything’? Is the universe endless?” There are no ways to answer these questions and either way, we cannot understand fully how they work. So why am I even talking about this? For many reasons, such as, my very first question: “why do bad things happen to good people?” I was reading an article about this guy who found out he had MS, and then it made me think of all the bad things that really do happen to good people. But then there are evil, cruel, mean people out there unfortunately, and some of them get off scot-free and are blissfully unaware of how lucky they happen to be. In a perfect world, wouldn’t bad things happen to bad people? Does karma really exist? Sometimes it seems so, but then other times it doesn’t. It’s hard for me to believe that any person is fully bad or completely good through and through. Everyone has their flaws and makes mistakes, and I feel like deep down, even the worst of people have good in them. Sometimes they just cannot control the bad and good in them. Like it’s off balance for one reason or another. But that leads me to question why that happens? People with psychological disorders, why do some people have them and others don’t? You may say, silly Sydney, it’s genetics. Okay, logically speaking, yes, it may be genetics causing something. But why were their genes off par when someone else’s seem to be perfectly fine? To answer any and all of these questions some people respond with one answer. God. Now I’m not saying I don’t believe in a God. But it’s hard to understand something that isn’t physically there to see. Like maybe we don’t even live in a universe. Maybe we live in a box, and someone out there is just watching us like The Truman Show and seeing what we do. But then I automatically think, but who would “they” be and what is beyond their world? It really is a chain of never-ending questions that cannot be answered. But I’m saying right now, I want answers. I want to know why a child rapist gets off on parole and paid unemployment by the government and lives a pretty solid life happy and healthy, but then a smart, sweet, and innocent little boy gets some disease and has to suffer before he has even lived yet. Can someone please answer me that? I know the answer is no, but then there comes that damn “why” question again. I may not really be making a point of this little essay I’m writing here, but I guess my point is to make people think. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own tiny, relatively non-complex lives that we forget about the big picture, forget about the billon others out there, forget about the galaxies and universes out there, and solely focus on ourselves. I know because I do it all the time. If you think life is rough, just know, it could almost always be worse. Yes bad things happen to good people. I still don’t know why but I’m hoping one day I’ll find out all the answers. 

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