Monday, July 2, 2012

It's Five O'clock in the Morning

        Is there a job where I can just sit and read books all day? Oh yes, there is. That is what I plan to do some day. As much as I love good ol’ manual labor, I do not think I am cut out for it as a career. Don’t get me wrong, I am not opposed to it as a career. Only for myself. I can handle it as a temporary position, but there is no way I could do that for the rest of my life and if I have to, well I guess that’s life. But I really hope this 24 grand-a-year schooling will get me somewhere that I really want to be. Like editing manuscripts for books, for instance. Gosh that would be so awesome. Well, one day hopefully. But for now, I guess I’m stuck doing minimum wage manual labor to pay for that dream.
        Alright I am going to complain a little so I apologize in advance but screw waking up at four am every day to be to work at five. It was one thing getting up at five am to be to work at four. I was not told that I would be having to be at work at FIVE IN THE FREAKING MORNING though! Jeez louise. I know I just have to suck it up and do it, which I am doing, but seriously? Can we not just work an hour later? In fact, I do not see why we are not working an hour later in the first place. Be at work at 7, leave work at 4:30. That’d be perf. Okay okay, I’m not one to actually abbreviate words like that, but I’ve been doing it a lot more lately because some people I talk to frequently do it so it rubs off on me.
        So another year of Hoopfest has come and gone. It is quite depressing. Not to mention it is already July! I have school in a month! Although, I am actually excited to be back. I am going to be honest, this has been probably the lamest summer ever, so far. I haven’t even actually gone real camping yet! Or fishing. Or to the lake for more than just the day. I have only been swimming a few times ( I blame that on the weather). I also have not been over to visit my cousins and go to their lake yet and I don’t get to for the fourth for the first time in awhile! And, oh yeah, I have to be at work at five every day. What a life I live. I guess that is what happens when you have to pay for school. I miss being a kid and not having to worry about anything. I know I have said this before, but growing up really sucks. Like what the hell. No one ever told me about all these bills and crap you have to deal with. Okay, yeah they did. I just didn’t listen. What can ya do? I guess I’ll just make the most of my weekends!
        Also, I think I am running on like 15 hours of sleep for the past three or four days. Which I used to get almost that much sleep every night. Alright I am done complaining. I just had to get it out of my system.
        I am currently in the middle of three or four books right now. I kind of lost track. But that is now my goal. To finish all of them, at least by the end of the summer. So I’ll be working on that in my spare time. Which I am going to go do now, and then go to bed. Because I have to be at work at FIVE am. Good gosh. Night y’all. 

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