Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Treat Others How You'd Like to Be Treated

Is it really only Wednesday? Sheesh. Sometimes the weeks go by too slow for my liking, but then I think about how fast they actually go and I forget about my wishing time away. You can wish it away as much as you want and it will go, but you can never get your wish for wanting time back, so enjoy it. So no, I’m not wishing time away, but yes I am already listening to Christmas music. Don’t judge me.
          Speaking of judging, or maybe not. This whole presidential debate has gotten some people fired up, eh? I’m not going to sit here and give you all of my opinions on politics because let’s be honest, I don’t have that many. I only know what I know. All I have to say is, what’s done is done, now we can either impeach him (if that’s your side of the argument, I’m not sharing mine either way), or we can keep voting and doing all that we can and hope that he puts us in the right direction. I can just hear some of you responding to this like, psh, he’s going to collapse our society, and maybe he is, maybe he’s not. But I really hope for his sake and ours that he does a good job in office. That is all.
          On to the next piece of business: my aunt just got engaged! While she was in the Czech Republic! Or I think that’s where at least. So congrats to her! I am so happy for her and so excited that she found the person to make her happy for the rest of her life. Mostly I’m just excited because I love engagements and weddings and all those sorts of things. So much fun. Can’t get enough of them. It shows me that no matter where you are in life, there is always room for love. So don’t give up hope if you are, and if you’re reading this you’re most likely around my age so you really have no reason to give up! We’re young, in college (or near there). Enjoy your life, fall in love, fall out of love, and fall in love again. And if you already found the right person that is wonderful. Just find someone who will continually make your life better for being in it, not worse. Find someone that will treat you like a princess, or prince. And you don’t need to find that person yet either! If you’re my age, yes it’s wonderful to find that, but also don’t let that be all you think about. Be happy with yourself. Enjoy school (or the extracurricular activities at school J). Don’t sell your life short for focusing on finding love, it will find you I’m sure of it. Okay, enough of the sappy. Speaking of love…
          So for one of my English classes, we had to come up with a “linguistics topic”. The one I came up with is “What different excuses do girls give guys when denying them or declining?” My first topic was going to be how girls respond when guys use really cheesy pick up lines, but that would have had to involve me finding some willing guys to go out and use pick up lines on girls, and I’d have to somehow record it, and it’d just be a lot of work, so I changed it to the other one. I posted my topic on Facebook in hopes that people would give their responses, and I’ve got some great ones. So if you haven’t yet, go look at it, they are pretty funny. Should make for an interesting paper. I’m also going to talk to people in person about it to get more ideas. So far I think the most commonly used excuse is “Sorry, I have a boyfriend.” Hmm… interesting.
          And finally the last thing I need to talk about is this Facebook page that was brought to my attention just a little bit ago. The page is called “Spokane Whores Exposed”. Now you may laugh at this and think it’s funny. Maybe if it was in a show or something I’d laugh too, but bullying isn’t funny. I just recently read this article about a girl who was followed by this guy from school to school through Facebook harassing her and every new school she went to everyone found out about her past and tormented her. Eventually she committed suicide. Guys this is not okay. We cannot let things like this happen. I do not care what someone does, if they send naked pictures, sleep with a bunch of people, I mean I’d prefer them not to obviously, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to bully someone. It really is getting out of hand. When I first used to think of bullying, I had never experienced it myself so I always thought about the movies and tv shows where big kids throw smaller kids into garbage cans, or take their lunch money, or put their head in the toilet. Remember those? Yeah well those were funny and all, but real life bullying is not. You may be like Sydney shut up you can’t do anything about it, this is stupid, blah, blah, blah. But no, I’m not going to shut up about it. It’s not fair for someone to be bullied to the point of feeling that they need to end their life, or being bullied period. If you have a problem with someone keep that shit to yourself, you’re probably the problem in the first place. Okay, okay, I take that back. That’s mean. I just get really fired up about this stuff. It’s just not fair that someone should ever feel threatened in that way. And internet and Facebook have not made it any easier. People can not only be bullied at school now, but at home and just constantly now too. Gah. Why can’t everyone just be nice to everyone? Obviously there are people out there that I am not too fond of. But I don’t go slandering their name around. I just think quietly to myself how I probably definitely would not mind in the slightest if they maybe just moved to Canada for the rest of my life. See? How hard is that? I feel better and I haven’t ruined anyone’s life, except maybe I have some weird thoughts, but it is what it is. I didn’t hurt anyone. I’m joking obviously, for the most part, but you get what I’m saying right? This is not okay. It needs to be stopped. So if you happen to go across that Facebook page, please report it. For crying out loud people, how hard is it to be NICE to people? We learned this stuff in kindergarden ladies and gentlemen. Don't you know that you are supposed to treat others how you would like to be treated? (Unless you're a weird person who likes to be hurt, we won't count you in this case) It's not that difficult. It isn’t, try it, I promise it works. Kill ‘em with kindness y’all.
          So that’s all for now. Once again I am procrastinating my homework with writing, but oh hey, my homework is writing so I’m really not that far off. Happy hump day. Be nice, fall in love (or just have fun), and have a great rest of the week. 


  1. I called the cops on it. That was ridiculous. And the naked picture they had up there was a seventeen year old. All everyone did was just say take this down. I believe I was the only one to call the police department.

  2. But it was taken down. Thanfully.

    1. I'm glad you did! Good job for doing that! We all appreciate it

    2. SO glad to see your post!! I am embarassed for anyone that thought posting such a site or promoting it was ok. It just shows the intellectual inadequacy of those that thought it was funny or that anyone deserves to be treated that way.

  3. I reported it like 3 times!
