Monday, November 26, 2012

Victory At It's Finest

            Well I once again have slacked on my blogging. It has been a busy couple of weeks though, to be fair. I’ve had midterms and tests and essays and then it was Thanksgiving break. It’s been busy. But for those who care, here’s how these weeks have gone.
            Over Thanksgiving break I got to drive over to the west side with all of the “west-siders” for once. I’d like to point out that I much prefer my nice little hour-ish drive to Spokane over the drive to Seattle, thank you very much. First of all, when you’re so used to only having an hour long drive, you don’t think about necessary things like going to the bathroom because at most you would only have to wait an hour. Well this little idea didn’t hit me until we were ten minutes in on our way to the west side and I realized that it was broad daylight, and there were no rest stops for about two hours. It didn’t help that my friends were texting me about how I shouldn’t think about being in warm water or think of running water. I felt bad though, I mean we literally just got in the car when I realized it. So I waited, crossing my legs for two hours until I saw the first reasonable place to stop and I quickly asked them to stop for me. Well I learned my lesson.
            I first went to Tacoma to my cousin’s house. It was so nice to see them all. Usually during the summer I go and spend a week or so there to hang out with them and go to the lake, but since I worked two jobs all summer I didn’t exactly have the free time I would have liked to go see them (sucks growing up, huh?) My youngest cousin Sam, or Scooter as we call him, is already almost 16! In fact he turns 16 tomorrow! Seriously? How does that happen, I still picture him at the very beginning of middle school and my other cousin Maximillian just going into high school. They can’t really be getting that old can they? That just means I’m getting old! Okay, not old old, just…old. Anyways, it was good to spend the night with them and we played games, well “we” being my aunt, uncle, Sam and I since Maximillian had some catching up to do with his friends, which makes sense, plus I see him here. The next day I went to UW to visit the best friend at his apartment. It was interesting. Fun, but interesting. “Someone” threw me under the bus about “some things” but we wont go into detail on that. And I got surprisingly close with Ben’s girlfriend that weekend…(??) Which again, I wont go into detail on. But the weirdest thing honestly was just being surrounded by huskies. I don’t know how to explain it. I’ve been a Coug my entire life. Literally from birth. I’ve also been around some people who like the huskies so it has never been like weird. And I’m not one of those people who are absolutely crazy against the huskies, I don’t root for them exactly. But still, to be completely surrounded by huskies (wearing my coug gear obviously), it was just completely weird. I didn’t like it at all. The campus was beautiful, don’t get me wrong. I’m obsessed with their Hogwarts-like library. But there’s no way I could ever in a million years go there. I just couldn’t do it. I had fun, though, seeing my friends from over there.
            I spent another night at my cousins, and then we made the trek back to Spokane on Thanksgiving eve. That night I went to a reunion of my high school friends. It was a blast to see them all. But then I decided when I got home that I would try to “Dr. Phil” my cousins apparently and tell them to stay in school and don’t do drugs. I crack myself up. They already know I’m weird though so I’m not too worried. I just love those two more than they know and I only want what’s best for them. I want them to be successful and happy. I don’t want people to poorly influence their decisions. I definitely see a bright future in both of them, whether or not they see it. I could talk about them for hours about how wonderful they are but i wont. I will, however, kick anyone who tries to hinder in the way of them being successful in the balls (or ya know…if their a girl I’ll pull their hair or something). Sorry if that’s a little graphic or too much. But they are my two favorite people ever and I love and adore the heck out of them. So watch out.
            Thanksgiving was nice. My family is completely crazy, so if anyone thinks that I’m crazy, I’m sorry, it runs in the family. Literally though. If you only knew the things that went on at the Bushnell/Peer/Malthesen/etc household on any given holiday. This was by far one of the oddest Thanksgivings ever. But it was good and there was good food and good people. Very nice to spend time with the family.
            And now on to the real exciting experience of Thanksgiving break. Drum roll please……………………………………………………………………………………….. So, um, about that Apple Cup 2012. Holy eff. I did not expect that at all. I had faith, but faith only goes so far with the cougars. If I’m being completely honest, this was the first game that I actually stayed for the entire thing, and it’s lucky that I did. I was jumping around the entire game, not only to cheer but because I was cold. Man that third quarter cougs, you really scared me. The fourth quarter, everybody was jumping up and down, dancing, cheering. And that OT, oh my. Cuhhrazy, is all I can say. Did you watch that? If you didn’t you should be ashamed. That was the greatest feeling ever. Just like many people have said, it doesn’t matter how many losses we’ve had during the season, to win that game, on our home field, at least for a fan, it makes up for any and all losses prior to this win. I got to storm my first field in Martin Stadium. That was a little rough, though. Some way overly intoxicated girl tried to jump down the ledge I think and wasn’t very successful in that, and everybody was going around and over her (a paramedic was there, though), including Maggie and myself, which I do feel bad about but seriously, if you’re going to be that intoxicated at the Apple cup, and we win, and you fall, I’m sorry but that’s your fault and please don’t hinder my fun. Storming the field, being in that mosh pit down there cheering, seeing some of my friends and the football players. It was unbelievable. Amazing. It was really hard to believe what actually just happened at the time. Greatest experience for me at WSU so far. Hands down. And the night following the victory of my lifetime wasn’t too shabby either J It was definitely a long day though. From six in the morning till late late in the evening. Completely and totally worth it. The rest of the weekend couldn’t completely match that day/night but it was still fun.
            And now here we are back in the last three weeks of the semester. I have studying, projects, essays, papers, and homework. It’s going to be a long, rough, three weeks, but then I get three weeks off from it to spend time with friends and family back home and I am so excited. For the next, oh I don’t know, month or so, in between my school work and other activities, I will be watching as many Christmas movies as humanly possible in the time given. Just so you know. Hot chocolate, Christmas movies, Christmas cookies, baking, snow, sledding, bundling up, (I wish I had a fireplace here), and all things holiday and winter. Can’t wait! We’ll talk soon, or I mean, I’ll be talking, but hopefully soon. See y’all. 

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