Saturday, November 3, 2012

Every Single Day

          Well I have almost officially made it through Halloweek here in Pullman. I still have one more night to go, though, so I don’t want to jinx myself. Not to mention this has been one of the busiest weeks I have had, school-wise, in a long time. Two full essays, a math project, among other homework and readings. But I survived that part of it. I think the first Halloween weekend was definitely more festive than this weekend. It’s kind of hard to still celebrate it after Halloween has already happened, but people are still going with it. Personally, myself, I’m ready to start listening to Christmas music and watching Elf. I am so ready for Christmastime.
          So I reached this point in my life, I’m not sure how exactly to describe it. This point where I don’t actually want anything. Or maybe I just don’t know what I want. Although, I feel like the past few months there has always been something that I wanted or that I was trying to do or trying to be. Right now, I’m just happy with things the way they are. If things change, I’ll adapt. I mean there are things that I wouldn’t object to, but I’m not putting a ton of effort into. I just made myself realize, once again, how thankful I am for the things and the people that I do have in my life, not the things that I want in my life. I have no actual need to bring more things into my life, and if they come in, then I will gladly welcome them, but I already have so much to be happy about. And I just don’t want to forget about those things like I feel I have at certain points in my life. And I know it is a hard thing to do. You get so caught up in the drama and action of life and you look at other people, what they have, and sometimes think: why don’t I have that. I want that. But then, did you ever think, maybe they are thinking the same things about you and your life? It’s just silly to expect your life to be like someone else’s, when its YOUR life, not theirs. You are you and they are them. A little obvious, right? Well if it’s so obvious then why do we all do it anyways? We compare what we have to what other people have. Whether it is material things, wealth, love, looks, whatever it is, we compare it. And we shouldn’t. I remember when I was younger, my family would always say things like “Oh Sydney you look just like so and so” or whoever they said, and then my grandpa would cut in and say, “No, she looks like Sydney”. I loved that, because its so true. Yes, we may have resemblances to others, but we are who we are. And I know I forget that, a lot. But I am trying to work on it. And just be happy with who I am and what I have. I have so many wonderful friends who are caring and always there for me, and who I get to be there for. I have an amazing family, that although drive me crazy sometimes, I know they’ll always have my back. I get to go to this incredible school with all of the people here, get an education, and hopefully eventually follow my dreams and become what I want to be. I really should have no major complaints with my life, and I don’t.  I am extremely thankful for everything that I’ve been blessed with.
          I just need to work on remembering this ALL of the time, not just sometimes or occasionally.
          Oh and the Cougs are playing today, right now actually, so cheer ‘em on! GO Cougs! Hope y’all are having a great weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. You have MY Elf movie!! Hallmark started Christmas movies already :-)
