Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Have A Little Faith

Sometimes in life, our biggest fears become our realities. We don’t know why these things happen, why they happen to us, why people choose to do things that they do. But at the same time, because of our fears and these things out there and people out there that can hurt us, we cannot hide from those fears and those people. If we hid from the world, hid because we’re scared, then we would never get anywhere in life. We wouldn’t experience love, happiness, warmth, family, we wouldn’t experience life. So we take those chances. We take those risks. We walk off of the edge and hope that someone is there to catch us. That the risk was worth it in the end. That you got the job. That you get the role you want. That you get the girl you want to marry. We hope. And sometimes we fall short. Perhaps just inches of what we were trying to achieve. That person isn’t there to catch us. You were one word off of getting the position you wanted. One point away from getting the award.
You took a risk and it failed.
We all want it to be that life. The one where putting all your effort into this one thing, this project, this goal, this dream, that one day you’ll get it. We see it in movies, we read it in books, we hear about it in the news. We don’t read about the ones that took the risk and didn’t get exactly what they had hoped for. And maybe that is a good thing. Because then it keeps us hoping, it keeps our heads high hoping and knowing that we can achieve everything we work for. But sometimes it doesn’t work. No matter what we do. No matter how hard we try. No matter how much effort, and strength, and sweat, and love. No matter what we put into it, it doesn’t turn out like we planned. Because our life isn’t how we plan to have it. What we want. Our lives are destined to be exactly how they will be. There is a plan. Maybe it’s not your plan. Maybe it’s not exactly what you’re dream is. But it will be the right plan for you, I know that.
And even if you do this. You take that risk. You put everything you have, your heart, your mind, your soul, blood sweat and tears, every little and big thing you have into something and it doesn’t turn out like you “plan”, that doesn’t mean you should give up. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still take those risks.
Make a new dream. Make yourself a new plan. Give yourself goals. Put effort into something again. Don’t’ let one failed attempt bring you down. You’ll get it right one day. It may not be today or tomorrow. It will come though.
Be strong willed. Have a little faith. Don’t give up hope.
Don’t regret trying for what you wanted. It just means that you have heart, and even if you didn’t succeed in getting what you wanted, you succeeded in living and showing passion for something bigger than yourself. And that takes courage. You took that step off the edge. And what will take more courage, is that even though that person wasn’t there to catch you, you’re gonna get back up, dust yourself off, and try again. I know you will. I have faith in you just like I have faith in myself and faith in the people that I love.
You are strong, you are kind, you are compassionate, you mean something to more than one person in this world. So be brave and keep taking those risks. Because one day, you’ll be so happy that you did. And everything you did up until that point will have gotten you there.

“Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.” 

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