Friday, December 19, 2014

I'm not crazy I promise

It sucks, you know. Losing one of your best friends. And yeah, she's a dog. But that doesn't mean she was any less of a best friend than a human could be. Probably better than any human could ever be. We did everything together. You may think I'm crazy because it makes me cry thinking about not seeing her, but then I think you're crazy if you could never love a dog like a best friend. She was my best friend, my shoulder...or whole body to cry on. She was like my child too. I say she "was" not because she's dead or anything. Just gone. I should have fought harder for her. Especially after everything we've been through together. And the thing that sucks the most is that she probably thinks I abandoned her. I wish I could just explain that I wanted what was best for her. She's not a child, although she feels like one to me. But it wouldn't have been good for her to go back and forth between places. I was just trying to do what's best for her and because of it, she probably thinks I don't love her. I love her so much it hurts. With all my heart. And that is the sole reason I gave her up. You're seriously probably reading this, if you're still reading, thinking I'm out of my mind. But for a year and a half, her and I did everything together. We watched Marley and Me together about a thousand times. (Don't worry I turned off the ending for her). We walked and played fetch in SUNSHINE, 110 DEGREE HEAT, BLIZZARDS, POURING RAIN. It didn't matter. Marley needed her play time and I made sure she got it every damn day, I tried for multiple times a day, but if not, we played hide and seek in our apartment. She's too good at hide and seek. We cuddled...A LOT. More than I've ever cuddled with anyone. We went fishing  and hiking. We had too many fun play dates with Miss Korra, aka her best doggy friend. When I needed to just get out of the house, she came with and stuck her head out the window floppy tongue and all. She always ALWAYS helped me finish my meals. Her drool reaching the ground from her mouth was priceless. I cried so many times into her fur and she always laid there until I felt better. There's nothing quite like walking into my house every single day knowing that she was gonna be there in .2 seconds jumping and attacking me with kisses. 
She's heard more secrets than I can even remember. We, I mean I talked a lot to her haha. All the time. Full on conversations. Well one sided conversations but she probably understood every word of it and thinks I'm crazy too. I've almost lost a hand or two trying to keep up with her in tug of war. She likes to lay upside down, legs spread, mouth open passed out like the cutest thing in the world.
Oh and she knows how to take a hella cute selfie 💁👸.
I got to see her lay her first poop in the house half on the couch half on the couch pillow. Still love her to death. When we first got her, I slept on the hard kitchen floor with her for a week because I didn't want her to be scared or homesick. 
I cried the day we brought her home because I didn't think I would be a good dog owner and didn't think she'd like me. 
She knows my every mood and exactly how to make me feel better or laugh. 
There is NO better dog in this entire world than Marley Mae, I don't care what any of you say. 
I know she'll be okay. She'll be a happy dog with a happy life. But no one, no dog will ever replace her in my heart. And I hope no one can replace me in hers.
Dogs are truly mans best friend because Marley is the best friend I'll ever have. 
It really does suck. Like a part of me is missing now.

Oh and I know that no dog will ever replace her, but still, if someone wants to get me a puppy for Christmas to fill the void in my life, I wouldn't complain at all. I like labs or goldens. Just make sure to poke holes in the box. Well you knew that.
And here is a bunch of my faves.

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