Wednesday, December 31, 2014


What a year it has been. All of the things I've experienced and learned. All of the people I've met.
It seriously blows my mind how fast time goes. Everyone has those "it feels like only yesterday I was doing blah blah blah" moments. Here's a few from me. 
It feels like yesterday on the last day of junior high with all of my friends thinking about how great the summer is going to be and what high school was going to be like. (Little did I know I was going to Ferris not LC). 
It feels like yesterday I made the decision to move to Montana and start all over again in a new place with an entirely new group of people.
It feels like yesterday playing my last home volleyball game with my amazing team. And baking cookies (or buying) for every home baseball game and sitting in the dugout, trying to keep the book and being somewhat terrified of the coach. 
It feels like yesterday I graduated high school, and went to all of my friends grad parties and then having the summer of a lifetime before college and before bigger responsibilities set in. 
It feels like yesterday moving into my dorm, wanting to cry because my mom was leaving me.
Sophomore year feels like yesterday. Junior year feels like yesterday. The beginning of this last semester feels like yesterday. 
How can time be so constant yet move so quickly in our minds? I'm actually afraid to wake up one day and realize my whole life is behind me. When really, I should wake up every day knowing my whole life is ahead of me. That each day isn't promised. We know that. Yet we treat our days like we're guaranteed another. It is such a hard habit to break. 
I was sitting today thinking about how I'm gonna be 22 in a month. And all I could think was OH MY GAWD IM GETTING SOOO OLD. But how lucky am I to have had (almost) 22 wonderful years. Not that every day or every year was perfect. But I am so blessed for the days, the people, and support that I've had these past (almost) 22 years. 
And as we enter 2015, being no closer to 2000 than we are to 2030 (weird), maybe I should be making resolutions like get better sleep, stop eating pizza when you're drunk, stop taking off your shoes in public when you're drunk, maybe stop drinking. It's bad for your liver. (I really don't drink that much for a college student). Exercise more, procrastinate less. You were so close to straight As! One away! Let's get that this time. 
But no. 
All I want to do in 2015, is appreciate the fact that I am alive in 2015. If I can do that, all those other things will follow suit. Well maybe not the pizza. 

I love pizza. 

But I also love being alive. So maybe a little less pizza would do me good. 

I just want the simple things. Appreciate what I have and my life. Love more, worry less. Be nice to everyone, even if I think they don't deserve it. 
This is such a typical New Years blog and cliché. But what I never understood was what was wrong with being a little cliché every now and again. What's wrong with being cheesy (like pizza). Just kidding. Sorta. But I mean cheesy cute and sweet and funny. Like cheesy like the cheesiest cutest pick up line you've ever heard. That kinda cheesy. What's wrong with that? Nothing, that's what. 
I know I'm going to have my days this year when it just all doesn't seem fair. But I hope I remember this idea about life and how fantastic it is, and that it'll get better, even when it's at its worst. 

I just want to appreciate the life I'm living while I still get to live it. That's all. 
So here's to life...and to God for blessing me with it. 
What more could anyone ask for? 

Now all I can think about is how much has changed in a year. And how much will probably change over this year. Who knows what the future holds for us. 


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