Monday, June 25, 2012

And Summer Keeps Going By

            Oh hey. It’s been a few days… Or weeks. I really have no idea. I have completely lost track of the days. I only know its near the end of the month because Hoopfest is this weekend. I do know, though, that my summer is over halfway over. What the heck? It just started getting warm. This is ridiculous. If Pullman wasn’t so much fun when the sun is out I would be extremely upset.
            Well in the between time, I started a new job, and quit it. Long story. But for the short version, I was in a position that they have never put a girl in, and there were scary things, and it gave me anxiety, and I tried, but I couldn’t do it. Hopefully they are going to put me in a different position in the same company, though. Other than that, not much has been going on. I went to the lake (CDA not Priest, unfortunately). My good friends finally had the mixer. From what I remember of it, it was a freaking blast. And they most definitely need to put another one on. I don’t see why they wouldn’t, they made a ton of money off of it. So it would benefit everyone if they put another one on.
            Also, on Saturday, Rachel, Maggie, Niki, and I drove down to Pullman for the day/night to stay in our new house. Oh my gosh I love it, I love Pullman, and I cannot wait to get down there. A year ago, I would not have been saying this. But something changed, and I love WSU and Pullman and everything about it down there. So I am real excited.
            This summer is going by too fast, though, and I feel like I have not done anything, because I haven’t. There are so many things that I need to and want to do, that I just don’t know if they will get done. I haven’t even gone up to Priest Lake once yet. I miss it. And because of having to work, I don’t get to go up there for two weeks like every past year of my entire life. It is kind of depressing. I hope I get to go up there even for a few days.
            Well my cousins are coming into town this week. Maximillian has to go to Pullman for his Alive session. That’s another thing that will be great about next year is that he will be there, and for mom’s and dad’s weekend, my aunt and uncle can come! I cannot freaking wait. Anyways, they are coming into town. My cousin Sam will be here like all week with his friend, I need to figure out ways to entertain them. Hopefully it is at least nice out. Pool time. And then Hoopfest is this weekend, plus my cousin’s grad party is Saturday as well. I may be a little late for that considering it is HOOPFEST weekend. Did I mention that the big three-on-three tournament that Spokane hosts every year called Hoopfest is this weekend? Well it is. And then the 4th of July is next week. Still don’t know what I’m doing for that. Usually I’m over on the west side with my cousins. I guess I will figure it out!
            Well I am going to go get ready…for nothing…for probably sitting by the pool or reading or just watching tv. Eh, I probably wont get ready. I just need a shower I think. Maybe. I’ve been getting lazier and lazier. I need to go swim laps. That’s what I’ll do as long as it stays sunny out. Wish me luck. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Kant Tipe...

            I’m gonna admit it…this blog is going to be hard to type because I only have the use of my left hand and my right pointer finger. So even though you don’t know it, this blog is already taking me forever to type. So you’re welcome. That whole no Facebook thing lasted about 12 hours. I realized that even though I don’t feel like I go on Facebook very much, I obviously do. Its more of something I just do when I’m bored.
            I can’t remember the last time what I wrote about, but if I didn’t say anything, I finally got a new job. It is full time too! So I’ll actually be making money I can spend some of. I’ll mostly be saving still but before this job I could not even save any! So I am thoroughly excited about that, even though I start work every day at 6 am. Oh well. That is what naps are for right? Anyways, I have been injuring myself a lot lately. I guess it must run in the family because my brother broke his back and his leg both in like a month! Poor guy. But I don’t really do risky things like him. I just got some scrapes and my butt was EXTREMELY sore from going down water slides two days in a row at Splashdown. I forgot how much fun that place is. But it is a tad bit more fun when you don’t have to follow rules…and its late at night. It was kind of a blast. Not to mention I made some new friends which is always fun. And then my finger I just hurt last night playing basketball. Mags and I totally would have won had I not injured myself, obviously. It’s just jammed though so I think I’ll survive. I’m pretty sure I have jammed and or sprained every one of my fingers from volleyball so I’m kind of used to it, but it still hurts so freaking bad.
            Okay well this is taking too long for me to type and I am getting sick of it, so hopefully I’ll try to write again soon. Adios amigos. PS: this took a good 45ish minutes to type.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Better For the Best

            Where as before, maybe ten people read my blog, now I think maybe one, possibly two will ever read it. And that is fine with me. I am not concerned with who is reading my blog, I mostly write it just to get all this junk in my head out of my head. The reason why less people will be reading this is because I “deleted” my Facebook account. Meaning, I just do not want it right now. Although, for me, the only reason I would get it back again is either to get pictures off of my profile that I want, or because I had some dang good spotify playlists on there and I am not allowed to log on to my spotify account without having my Facebook activated. That really is the most unfortunate part about it. But I think I’ll survive. I can just make a new one!
          Okay I am so behind on my reading that it is not even funny. I haven’t even read a single book this whole summer. I can mostly blame it on Netflix, but even for the past week or so I’ve hardly even watched it. I am just not making proper time for reading. I have about fifty books I need to read this summer and at this rate, I may finish one. If I’m lucky. Yikes.
          So I’ve been working on this bettering myself lately. It was going well, I’ve slipped up, but for the most part, I think I’ve been doing alright. I think I can do a hundred times better, though. Why, you may ask, all one or two of you, or maybe I am just asking, why do I need to “better” myself? Well who doesn’t want to make themselves the best person they can be? Everyone should strive to be the best form of their self. And I know I am not that right now. I always think of myself as a good person because I care about people and things and I try to always be kind and generous. But then I sometimes do stupid things and it really brings down my self esteem. That means I need to cut down on the stupid-thing-doing. Because it’s not just me it affects. It affects much more than myself. And sometimes I forget that. So that’s just it. I am working to make myself the best person I can be. And in doing that, I’m trying to sift through those who will help me succeed in that, and those who will bring me down. I don’t want people in my life that I can’t help be the best they can and that can’t help me do the same. Actually, that sounds a little selfish. “You can’t be in my life unless you help me be a good person” It is more, I just do not want people that do the opposite. So that’s that.
          Tomorrow, I have two interview type things. Hopefully it goes well. Then a baseball game, and hopefully the weather will stay as nice as it was today. And then I need sleep. And to read. And to be outside as much as possible. And be with my friends. And waste time. And have fun. And make good memories. And have no regrets. And that’s what I plan to do. So take that, Life. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bad Weather

        Well, I’m sick, unfortunately. Luckily, it is just a sore throat. At first I thought it was the flu, then I thought it was strep, but after a doctor visit and blood test (ew), it turns out its just a sore throat! Who would’ve thought! It is however preventing me from working today and tomorrow. Lot’s of old people come into MacKenzie River, don’t wanna get them sick…they could die you know! But I’ll be able to work Sunday. It sucks not being able to work, though, because they already cut my hours! Business is super slow right now…oh well. Can’t do anything about it. It sucks that I’m sick though because I could have done something cool with this six day off break!! Bleh. Oh well.
        I went on a hike on Monday with a couple of friends (well actually they’re pretty much family now). As we were hiking, we got to see an above-view of a train going by and I realized that I have never been on a train. So that is one of my plans for the summer: take a train somewhere. Maybe to Montana to visit my family or something. Or maybe to Seattle. I don’t know, I just want to go on a train, real bad.
        So, I’ve been on summer break for a month now and I think we have had about four sunny days. What the heck! This isn’t fair. I’m still as pale as ever. I think I started getting my tan, and then the sun just disappeared. It’s making me want to go sit in a tanning bed for a couple hours. Ha….except that its terrible for you, not to mention that I’m way to claustrophobic for that kind of thing. I went in a tanning bed for a month last year before prom and it pretty much gave me an anxiety attack every time I went. I don’t know how people say its so relaxing. You’re freaking laying in between dangerous light bulbs that could break! Okay, they probably wouldn’t break, but if there’s any chance that they could…it would probably happen to me.
        Anyways, I finally got myself back into music. Like I’ve said before, I go through phases where I will listen to music constantly, and then I’ll go like a month or two without listening to it at all except like in the car. Well, I think I’m back into the constantly listening phase. It usually just takes one song that I get obsessed with and that’s it, I’m addicted to music. I really wish I could sing because I know that I could write songs easily. But it doesn’t really work to write songs if you cant sing them. Then it’s just poetry. Which I’ve written poetry before, but I kind of just stopped after a point. And now I write blogs. I like blogging better because I can just write what comes to mind, I don’t have to make it too personal or sappy, it can just be whatever, and people can read it if they choose, or not. But back to music. I found the perfect song for right now. And it got me back into music. It's one of those songs that I have heard a million times, but it just never clicked with me until now. So now, instead of reading, instead of watching Netflix, I’ll probably just be listening to music. And no, the song wasn’t “Call Me Maybe”, even though that is my favorite song to listen to in the car. It’s just so catchy and I love to sing out the words as loud as I can. It’s definitely my favorite, for the car.
        Well, I better go get some rest so I don’t make myself more sick. I gots things to do and I don’t want to be sick!! Hope everyone is having a great week. Oh yeah, this is my new favorite song. PS I want him for Christmas please and thank you :) click on the link to see it.  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Are You Kidding

          I’m gonna be honest, I am really, really disappointed in the people of this world right now. As I am watching the MTV movie awards, I hear the announcement of the movie of the year award. I didn’t hear all of the nominees, but the three I did hear were Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2, Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Pt 1, and The Hunger Games. So guess who won. Twilight. Now I am a complete and total Twilight fan. I love all the books and all of the movies so far. I’ve probably read the books about ten times each. But seriously? How did that win over Harry Potter or The Hunger Games? I’m not even that huge of a fan of Harry Potter and I still feel like it would have been the better choice over Twilight. OBVIOUSLY The Hunger Games would have been the very best choice, but come on. So I am disappointed about that. I still love my Twilight stories, I just do not think they should have been chosen.
          Well my personal life has been absolutely boring as all get out. Except maybe one or two things (or people). I just do not really feel like it is summer right about now. The sun has been barely showing his face. I have not gone to the lake yet, in fact I have not been swimming once! So it really does not feel like summer yet to me. Plus, people are still in school, which is just extremely odd feeling to me since I have been out for almost a month now. However, my bestest friend is coming home on Thursday and I am a teensy bit excited for that, considering it has been over five months since I have seen him, and I miss him like crazy. My reading this summer has been tremendously slow to start, so I cancelled my Netflix subscription because that is the only way I will ever stop watching it and start reading. So I have continued in the middle of one of my books, The Help, and I am sure glad I did because it is getting better and better. I was not so into it at the beginning but it is getting a whole lot better.
          I saw the movie Men in Black III today. It was aight. I was not completely impressed, but Will Smith will always be a total bad ass, plus he’s hilarious. So I enjoyed that part of it. It just was not as great as I was hoping. I still want to see Snow White and the Huntsman, (Chris Hemsworth is in it ;) ow ow). He is almost as attractive as his brother, Liam Hemsworth, which I just watched The Last Song with him in it, I love that movie. I have been kind of a movie freak lately. I do not really watch much t.v., except on Netflix, so I have just been watching movies lately. I saw The Avengers which was amazing. I recommend it. I also saw What to Expect When You’re Expecting, which was not what I was expecting. I thought it would be way funnier. It was one of those movies where all of the funny parts are shown in the previews. Ah well. It happens. I also watched the movie Drive with Ryan Gosling. Borrrrring. Ryan Gosling is still a babe, but that movie put me to sleep. Did not even watch the end. So there is my movie review list for you. In case you were curious of my opinion. I wish I could be a critic for movies and books. I think I would make a great one. I already see so many movies and read so many books. I shall look into it..
          Well, that is all for now, folks. I will put an honest effort into writing more often, I have just been super lazy about it. What can I say? It’s summer. I gots things to do people. Nighty night.