Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bad Weather

        Well, I’m sick, unfortunately. Luckily, it is just a sore throat. At first I thought it was the flu, then I thought it was strep, but after a doctor visit and blood test (ew), it turns out its just a sore throat! Who would’ve thought! It is however preventing me from working today and tomorrow. Lot’s of old people come into MacKenzie River, don’t wanna get them sick…they could die you know! But I’ll be able to work Sunday. It sucks not being able to work, though, because they already cut my hours! Business is super slow right now…oh well. Can’t do anything about it. It sucks that I’m sick though because I could have done something cool with this six day off break!! Bleh. Oh well.
        I went on a hike on Monday with a couple of friends (well actually they’re pretty much family now). As we were hiking, we got to see an above-view of a train going by and I realized that I have never been on a train. So that is one of my plans for the summer: take a train somewhere. Maybe to Montana to visit my family or something. Or maybe to Seattle. I don’t know, I just want to go on a train, real bad.
        So, I’ve been on summer break for a month now and I think we have had about four sunny days. What the heck! This isn’t fair. I’m still as pale as ever. I think I started getting my tan, and then the sun just disappeared. It’s making me want to go sit in a tanning bed for a couple hours. Ha….except that its terrible for you, not to mention that I’m way to claustrophobic for that kind of thing. I went in a tanning bed for a month last year before prom and it pretty much gave me an anxiety attack every time I went. I don’t know how people say its so relaxing. You’re freaking laying in between dangerous light bulbs that could break! Okay, they probably wouldn’t break, but if there’s any chance that they could…it would probably happen to me.
        Anyways, I finally got myself back into music. Like I’ve said before, I go through phases where I will listen to music constantly, and then I’ll go like a month or two without listening to it at all except like in the car. Well, I think I’m back into the constantly listening phase. It usually just takes one song that I get obsessed with and that’s it, I’m addicted to music. I really wish I could sing because I know that I could write songs easily. But it doesn’t really work to write songs if you cant sing them. Then it’s just poetry. Which I’ve written poetry before, but I kind of just stopped after a point. And now I write blogs. I like blogging better because I can just write what comes to mind, I don’t have to make it too personal or sappy, it can just be whatever, and people can read it if they choose, or not. But back to music. I found the perfect song for right now. And it got me back into music. It's one of those songs that I have heard a million times, but it just never clicked with me until now. So now, instead of reading, instead of watching Netflix, I’ll probably just be listening to music. And no, the song wasn’t “Call Me Maybe”, even though that is my favorite song to listen to in the car. It’s just so catchy and I love to sing out the words as loud as I can. It’s definitely my favorite, for the car.
        Well, I better go get some rest so I don’t make myself more sick. I gots things to do and I don’t want to be sick!! Hope everyone is having a great week. Oh yeah, this is my new favorite song. PS I want him for Christmas please and thank you :) click on the link to see it.  

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