Friday, June 15, 2012

Kant Tipe...

            I’m gonna admit it…this blog is going to be hard to type because I only have the use of my left hand and my right pointer finger. So even though you don’t know it, this blog is already taking me forever to type. So you’re welcome. That whole no Facebook thing lasted about 12 hours. I realized that even though I don’t feel like I go on Facebook very much, I obviously do. Its more of something I just do when I’m bored.
            I can’t remember the last time what I wrote about, but if I didn’t say anything, I finally got a new job. It is full time too! So I’ll actually be making money I can spend some of. I’ll mostly be saving still but before this job I could not even save any! So I am thoroughly excited about that, even though I start work every day at 6 am. Oh well. That is what naps are for right? Anyways, I have been injuring myself a lot lately. I guess it must run in the family because my brother broke his back and his leg both in like a month! Poor guy. But I don’t really do risky things like him. I just got some scrapes and my butt was EXTREMELY sore from going down water slides two days in a row at Splashdown. I forgot how much fun that place is. But it is a tad bit more fun when you don’t have to follow rules…and its late at night. It was kind of a blast. Not to mention I made some new friends which is always fun. And then my finger I just hurt last night playing basketball. Mags and I totally would have won had I not injured myself, obviously. It’s just jammed though so I think I’ll survive. I’m pretty sure I have jammed and or sprained every one of my fingers from volleyball so I’m kind of used to it, but it still hurts so freaking bad.
            Okay well this is taking too long for me to type and I am getting sick of it, so hopefully I’ll try to write again soon. Adios amigos. PS: this took a good 45ish minutes to type.

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