Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Better For the Best

            Where as before, maybe ten people read my blog, now I think maybe one, possibly two will ever read it. And that is fine with me. I am not concerned with who is reading my blog, I mostly write it just to get all this junk in my head out of my head. The reason why less people will be reading this is because I “deleted” my Facebook account. Meaning, I just do not want it right now. Although, for me, the only reason I would get it back again is either to get pictures off of my profile that I want, or because I had some dang good spotify playlists on there and I am not allowed to log on to my spotify account without having my Facebook activated. That really is the most unfortunate part about it. But I think I’ll survive. I can just make a new one!
          Okay I am so behind on my reading that it is not even funny. I haven’t even read a single book this whole summer. I can mostly blame it on Netflix, but even for the past week or so I’ve hardly even watched it. I am just not making proper time for reading. I have about fifty books I need to read this summer and at this rate, I may finish one. If I’m lucky. Yikes.
          So I’ve been working on this bettering myself lately. It was going well, I’ve slipped up, but for the most part, I think I’ve been doing alright. I think I can do a hundred times better, though. Why, you may ask, all one or two of you, or maybe I am just asking, why do I need to “better” myself? Well who doesn’t want to make themselves the best person they can be? Everyone should strive to be the best form of their self. And I know I am not that right now. I always think of myself as a good person because I care about people and things and I try to always be kind and generous. But then I sometimes do stupid things and it really brings down my self esteem. That means I need to cut down on the stupid-thing-doing. Because it’s not just me it affects. It affects much more than myself. And sometimes I forget that. So that’s just it. I am working to make myself the best person I can be. And in doing that, I’m trying to sift through those who will help me succeed in that, and those who will bring me down. I don’t want people in my life that I can’t help be the best they can and that can’t help me do the same. Actually, that sounds a little selfish. “You can’t be in my life unless you help me be a good person” It is more, I just do not want people that do the opposite. So that’s that.
          Tomorrow, I have two interview type things. Hopefully it goes well. Then a baseball game, and hopefully the weather will stay as nice as it was today. And then I need sleep. And to read. And to be outside as much as possible. And be with my friends. And waste time. And have fun. And make good memories. And have no regrets. And that’s what I plan to do. So take that, Life. 

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