Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Be Thankful, Be Strong

Today is September 11, 2012, in case you were not informed by the news, the paper, Facebook, Twitter, or possibly your calendar. I, myself have been reminded every two minutes or so by someone’s tweet or Instagram photo. I am not going to be cynical about all of the hash tags like #neverforget or #alwaysremember. But I think it is quite clear that we will always remember and never forget what happened September 11, 2001. And for those who lost loved ones, they always remember and never forget every single day of their life. I cannot pretend like I can understand what they are going through, have gone through, or have experienced. Sure, I have lost loved ones and I do know what that is like. But to lose a loved one in a tragedy like September 11th, it’s unfathomable to me. So, for me, I hope and pray for those lost. But I pray even more for those who lived, those I have in my life still, and that I still have my own life. It is not every day that I sit here and think about each individual person in my life that I am thankful to have. Even those who I have not spoken to in years, and those who I have just met. We’ve all had our hardships, but it’s the strength that it takes to pick ourselves up and stay positive in life that is the good outcome from the bad. It’s not always easy, especially after something so heartbreaking and morbid like 9/11, to stay strong, be happy again, laugh, and see the good in life and people. I know not everyone can be strong, I can’t always stay strong. But I have the utmost respect for those who, despite all that has happened, can pick themselves back up and be the person that they were before or better. Whether it is God, friends, family or whatever it is that helps them be strong, be thankful. So yes, remember. Don’t forget. But not only that, support each other, pray, be happy, be strong, be thankful for what you do have.

On a less serious note, I haven’t written just a normal blog in awhile. I know you all are probably wondering “what is happening in Sydney’s life?” Who am I kidding? I know wouldn’t be wondering that. I am actually writing this on my break between classes and planning on typing and posting it later tonight. But to be honest, nothing too exciting has been happening in my life. Not to say I haven’t been having fun, because I have. I suppose I have met a lot of people, all very awesome of course. There has been some familial drama, perhaps. And I went to the first home Coug football game in which fellow Ferris Alumni played for both teams (Halliday-Cougs, Tonani and Minnerly-Eags), and we won, which was just amazing with a new coach, new stadium, and a sold out crowd. It was crazy to say the least. Oh yeah, and the thing that I’m actually in Pullman for… school. Well, let me tell you about school. I love WSU. I hate math. I love my two English classes. I hate math. Anthropology can be somewhat boring and somewhat interesting. I hate math. Biology is very informative and interesting. And, oh yeah, have I mentioned that I HATE math? Not too mention that, no offense, but I cannot understand a thing my math professor says. This is America, lady. Learn to speak proper English if you’re going to teach. She’s really nice and all, but nice doesn’t help when I suck at math and can’t understand individual words that the person who is supposed to be teaching me math is saying. On a brighter side, if I ever do pass math, I think I have finally figured out what I am going to do with my life. I am about 95% sure that, with English, I want to teach. Maybe middle school, but I would prefer high school, mostly because I love the literature that is studied in high school. So that’s a big step. Jeez, I can see why I always just type my blogs now because I just keep writing and writing and then my hand hurts. Good thing my next class is English…then math >:( I hate math. Anyone who is good at math, can speak English well, and wants to spend some time tutoring me… let me know. Let’s see, what else. I feel like I should mention how much I love my roommate, Mags. We have had a blast this first month or so in Pullman. Aside from the fact that, because our financial aid has yet to come, and we are quickly draining our bank accounts, and soon to be living on the corner of Stadium Way and Valley Road, in a box. At least we’ll have each other. Gotta love her. And can I just say how awesome it is to be able to walk around the house in bras and underwear? If you’re reading this and don’t have your own place yet…just wait. And if you do, you totally know what I’m talking about.
            Okay, before I get too weird, and before my hand falls off, I’m going to go study or do something productive. Probably not. But if you’re into really weird stories, here’s a link one of my professors who is on the History Channel’s TV show called “Decoded” by the way, (Buddy Levy, look him up), some weird short stories he sent to my class to read. Weird and messed up. Enjoy. And be thankful.

http://www.smokelong.com/ (We read the first five for class)t


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