Sunday, September 30, 2012

Straight Up Sappy

              So I think I must have seasonal anxiety or something because I’ve been having it recently and I did last year around this time too, only not as bad this year. Maybe it’s just when the sun goes away it stresses me out or something, even though it still hasn’t gone completely away but it’s about to start getting colder soon. I also am feeling homesick for the first time this year. Although I was just at home this weekend, I wasn’t there for very long. Just have a lot of stress piling up and I think that’s why. Just need to take deep breaths. That would help also if the air quality wasn’t so poor right now!
            This weekend I went to visit the boyfriend at CWU. It’s always interesting to see how different schools are. It’s like every school is their own mini community, even if not everyone knows each other, but more so in smaller schools, like GU, for instance. I do feel like I know a lot of people at wazzu, but I really don’t in comparison to how many students actually go here. I guess it just feels like everyone is so close because it’s a legitimate college town. Everyone here is all about WSU. And I love it. But I still like to see other schools as well. Still need to go visit the best friend at UW. Although it is my rival school, he is my best friend so I need to make the trip! But I give central a thumbs up. I liked all the people I met there. I don’t think I had ever been to Ellensburg to actually stay there. The only time I’ve been there is to stop for breaks on road trips across the state. But I liked it! It was a fun weekend! And normally I don’t talk about relationships or what not in my blog, which I don’t know why I don’t, other than the fact that it’s been a long time it feels like since I have been in one. But since it is a part of my life and I think about it a lot I feel like I should more often. I don’t know, I just don’t like to bore people with lovey-dovey things, ya know? I was really happy to spend the weekend with him, though. Him being Dean, if you don’t know him, you probably should. Really genuine guy. Nice to everyone. Everyone who knows him loves him. I don’t know why…he’s kinda weird (just kidding). Alright but so am I, so I guess that makes sense. Before him, I had sworn off relationships forever. Just ask my roommate Mags, she knows. And it was weird too, because it happened really fast. I guess that’s the way things work sometimes. You kind of just get swept up in it all. One second you are this person who despises all of those people in relationships (mostly because you’re jealous that they got it to actually work out, so props to them), and then all of a sudden it flips completely. I think some people think I’m a little crazy for it, because we haven’t known each other that long, and we don’t live near each other. Long distance, well I know its tough, but if it’s right, it’s right. I don’t want to be a cliché-y and say things like “if it’s meant to be it will be”. Sometimes, though, the clichés are right. That’s why they are clichés because we know that they happen, a lot. (On a little side note, I just found out the other day that the word “cliché” comes from back when typewriters were used and in printing presses, if a phrase was used a lot, they would make stamps with the whole phrase on it, so that you didn’t have to type it out, and the sound it made when it was stamped sounded like how “cliché” is pronounced, just a little fyi). On the other hand, I’m not saying I’m going to marry the guy. And I’m not saying I’m not. All I’m saying is, hey I just met you, and this is crazy…Okay no I’m not saying that either. But really, I met him, like him, may or may not have fallen for him, I like getting to know him, yes, he does live a ways away, but that doesn’t matter to me, I like the person I am becoming as I get to know him better and as he rubs off on me, and hopefully I’m influencing him in a positive way somewhat too. And I could say so much more, but I'll stop there for now. 
            Moving forward. I read another book. Surprise, surprise. But I have to tell y’all about it because it was fabulous. One of my favorite authors, Mitch Albom, has done it again. I wont say it’s my favorite by him because this one didn’t quite bring me to tears like some of his previous work. But I still loved it, and it had great underlying morals to it. His books, to me, are something along the lines of almost having religious meanings, and some of them do, but not too religious so that those who aren’t religious wouldn’t want to read it. If that makes any sense. They just have really great meanings in them, in my opinion. My favorite one by him is probably For One More Day, about a retired baseball player, who misses out on a chance to talk to his mom before she passed away and he regrets it and the story goes from there. You can probably get an idea based off of that and the title. That’s one of my favorite books. Oh and obviously, Tuesdays With Morrie, one of his more famous books, I balled my eyes out. Anyways, his newest book, I’m not going to spoil it so don’t worry, it is called The Time Keeper, and it is about where the beginning of counting time came from, who started it, and how it now affects us in life. But basically what I got from it, is that, although we all revolve around the counting of time, I myself have always been a little OCD about being on time, doing things in timely fashions (even though I also tend to procrastinate). But this story made me think about how we shouldn’t focus on time. We shouldn’t wish time away, or wish time to go slower. We should just enjoy it as it is. And I think that is a wonderful message that we should all take into consideration because it’s so completely true. Like just last week for instance, I was so freaking excited for the weekend that I was just wishing time would go by faster, and then when the weekend came it was the exact opposite, time could not move any faster, and I just wanted to stay in that time, and stop time. Even after reading the book. But now as I think about it. I shouldn’t have been focusing on time, and I wasn’t the majority of it, just at some points. But really, I should have spent the week thinking about how I should cherish what I’m doing and what I’m learning every day, and then the weekend, just cherish what I was doing and not worry about time moving forward, because it’s going to move forward, and fast, whether we want it to or not. Even when it feels like it’s going slow, it’s not. As I look back on last year, and the year before, they both went by so unbelievably fast. It’s almost hard to comprehend. So I just need to work on enjoying life as it is, and not think about it in terms of time moving fast or slow. I’m going to work on that.
            Sorry this blog was so long, and kind of mushy. I guess I really am into the mushy stuff, I just try not to show it, or bore people with it. And I wont do it all the time, just every once in awhile I have to show my affectionate side. Can’t help it. If this blog really consisted of what I think about every day, y’all would think I was crazy. So I hope you had a good weekend. And I must mention that tomorrow is one of my bestie’s birthdays, Chlo, so I hope you have a wonderful birthday and you are one of the bestest friends I’ve ever had. We’re going on eight years best friends and I don’t know what I would do without her. Love you Chlo! Happy almost birthday! 

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