Sunday, October 7, 2012


            Well, well, well. Here’s what I have to say about that:


             A whole lot of nothing. Rendered speechless. That’s a first for miss Sydney-talks-a-lot. No. That’s not true. I do have a lot to say. The problem with words is, you can use as few or as many as you’d like, but unless you put action behind your words they are meaningless. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely been putting some actions down, but probably not the right ones. And I’m not talking like words in a story because there can be lots of meanings behind those. I haven’t been doing well at writing stories though lately. I’m talking about words that come out of your mouth, or out of your head on to paper like this (well this is a screen, but you know what I mean). I am great with my words. I know all the right ones to say. No, that’s a lie. I’m alright with words. I just need to follow through more. Like in volleyball, if you don’t follow through with you hits, they won’t go where they need to go. We’re not talking about volleyball. What are we talking about? I’m the only one talking here actually. Who’s listening? Who knows. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have a filter, or could just turn it on and off so that I could just write exactly what I want and not care what people will think about it. I do it sometimes, but rarely. I mentally edit myself a LOT. So it’s back to this. What do we have? What do we know? How are we going to use that to make a situation better? The haves: I have a great support system. Family, friends. And, well, we know that I am set on the words. I got the words down. It’s the actions that need to be worked on. How am I going to use this information to make a situation better? Alright, that’s the tough part. The follow-through. I gotta push myself to do the right thing and make good choices. Everybody has their bad choices. Impaired judgment on certain situations. It happens, life goes on, we all get through it, time heels all wounds. All a dose clichés. Yes, in my head I’m talking in an accent right now and filtering it so it’s not an accent in my writing. But can I learn from this? We shall see. This too, shall pass. Am I right? Gosh I hope so. There’s so much more that I want to say but I can’t. Actually I won’t. I physically will not let myself do that. Y’all would think I’m even crazier than I am, believe it or not. So I’ll stop with all the philosophical stuff right meow.
            Well I’m in need of some serious busy work to keep me stable. My room is a disaster. Someone slept in my bed…who? I don’t know I haven’t found out yet. I have clothes all over the place. It’s a wreck. So there’s that. I gots lots of homework to do. Or that I can do. Not that I necessarily need to do it all yet. But I probably will. I need the gym. I like to work out my problems there, (pun intended). And I need some good ol’ Ben and Jerry’s. Yum yum. Okay so this is how bad my memory is getting. This might be TMI but I’m going to share anyways. The other day, I was in the bathroom because I had to use it, obviously, but then I left, for one reason or another, came back and started to brush my teeth. Mid-brushing, I literally could not remember if I had actually gone to the bathroom yet. I had to ask myself. I think I’m going more and more crazy everyday. I’m so going to be that lady with all of the cats when I’m older. Just me by muhself with muh cats. Gosh darn it Joseph. She freaking got me into talking with an accent and I literally cannot stop. What are you going to do about it? I think I need a nap.
            Word of advice: don’t fall in love, and if you do…well I salute you sir and good luck with that.
            Night night. I’m outta hurr. 

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