Saturday, October 13, 2012

What Just Happened

            Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE hanging out with my friends and getting crazy and having a blast. I love it. The hardest part, though, is when you come back to reality that you can’t always be having a good time with your friends, and you once again realize that your world isn’t perfect. Not that you ever thought it was, but when you’re in those moments with friends you sometimes forget what’s going on outside of what you’re doing. Which is great, because you should always live in the moments like that. It just makes it really hard when you come down from that high and happiness, you sometimes feel worse then you did to start with.
            You’re probably like oh my GOSH Sydney stop talking about depressing things. I’m sorry I’m sorry! I tend to just write what I’m feeling. Not always, but I have been a lot more lately just because my English professor said that’s where the best stories come from. If you work on just writing exactly what is going through your head then it makes it easier when you are trying to write something in particular. So I’m working on that. Hang in there, hopefully my life will turn around a little at some point and I will have more happy things to talk about. I’m just in a rut right now. And it sucks. And what’s worse now is because of me people or persons are acting different then I ever expected. I’ll give you a word of advice, if someone hurts you, it doesn’t help to hurt them back. Karma will take care of it. So now I’m more hurt. And not really sure what I should do now. I thought I knew. Now I don’t. I know what I want but I cant let myself be treated like that, regardless of what happened. Ugh it just sucks.
            Well today is Cougar football Saturday finally. I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve gone to a game. And last time I went it was super hot out. So this game should be interesting. Apparently we’re supposed to “rally” again tonight but I’m not sure how well that’ll go over since all of us are dying a little inside but we shall see. I’d like to rally but I just don’t know if that’s possible. Oh the things that happened last night. So. Much. Fun. A little blurry. But fun. I literally inhaled a pizza though. I haven’t eaten a ton this week just because I’ve been super stressed but I think I made up for that last night. Also watched Happy Gilmore. Fantastic movie. Oh and it rained last night. Like freaking poured. Woke up and my hair was still wet from it. It was crazy. So much fun. I love the rain. And the pictures…oh we took so many. So many funny ones. It really was an almost all around great night. I love Pullman. And now I’m gonna go get some free shit from a Victoria secret party. Fun stuff.
            Go Cougs. 

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