Monday, April 30, 2012

Gah! Finals Week

            So I think I found out where the “sock bandit” comes from when doing laundry. Today, I found that in both of my tube socks (I don’t even know when I was last wearing tube socks) two of my normal socks were stuck inside of my tube socks. If you’re ever looking for missing socks, try your long socks first. Other than that, you’re on your own.
            Well last week was awful. I got strep throat right in the beginning of dead week. Luckily antibiotics work miracles and it went away in like a day. Phew. But I thought last week was rough…this week…oh my gosh. That’s really all I can say. Five finals. Yikes. And I thought I only had four. Bleh. Oh well. In just five short days (actually probably long days) I will be home once again.
            I had a fun, but sad last weekend in Pullman. Okay, it wasn’t sad at all. I’m just sad at the fact that it was my first last weekend in Pullman. Once again, my best friend Mags came down to visit. Somehow we always find a way to hang out together…not sure how it always works out that way. Her and our friend Alissa came down Friday for the final weekend in Pullman. Plus, I finally went out with my bestestest friend Chloe, for the first time, on the last weekend, in Pullman. Funny how we have been best friends for like seven years now…wow, and we both go to our favoritest school together, and we don’t actually go out together till the very last weekend. But I’m glad that we managed to get one night out together. I wouldn’t say Friday night was the usual crazy Pullman night, but it was definitely a blast. We frat hopped a bit and got out to see some friends at different places. Definitely had ourselves a good time.
            Saturday day, I really wanted to have myself a good time, but it got cut short since I had to take a stupid online test. I was a little disappointed about that. But Saturday night, Alissa stayed again so we went and socialized with people that night. It was a pretty relaxed night but still fun. And then today…I really tried thinking about studying, but for some reason I was just super tired all day and I literally did not get out of bed until like four. I just kept falling back asleep. Which is really unfortunate because sometimes when I oversleep it makes me have a migraine, which I am currently experiencing right now. But since I’m staring at a computer screen and not hiding under my covers, it clearly isn’t as bad of a migraine as usual. I’m hoping to just sleep it off, though. We shall see how that goes.
            I don’t know how many blogs I’ll get in this week. Actually…since I’m supposed to be studying all week, and since I am the queen of procrastinating, I’ll probably get in more blogs than I ever have before. Who would have thought?! Damn. I was just waiting for my spotify playlist to start and was getting frustrated that it wouldn’t, but I realized my volume was on mute. Cool Sydney. I can just tell this is going to be a rough week. And I’ve been rather upset that I have hardly had time to get either time for reading both of my books in, or very much One Tree Hill on Netflix in. I made up for that a little today by watching like ten episodes of it today. But I am going to have to do some serious damage in this summer if I want to get the rest of One Tree Hill watched, plus I have about 20 books that I need to read. Plus I need to have like two jobs this summer. Plus I want to be able to see all of my friends this summer. Plus I want to be at the lake this summer. Plus I want to go visit both my family in Montana and in Tacoma. Plus I want to sleep a lot and lay by the pool. Think I’m gonna get all of that in? Me either. But hey, if I cut out the sleeping portion of it…who knows what I can accomplish? I can sleep when I’m dead. Or so I’ve heard, but I’m not really sure if that is possible. I’m not really an expert on being dead or anything. I’ll look into it, don’t worry guys.
            So I’ve been playing the same like four songs over and over on Spotify. I hope people don’t think I’m a freak. In case you’re wondering or haven’t seen me play them over and over on Facebook, I’ve been listening to “Ordinary People” by John Legend, “Dare you to move” by Switchfoot, “White Houses” by Vanessa Carlton and “The first cut is the deepest” by Sheryl Crow. And then I’ve been listening to like every country song I know, too. I go through phases of being crazy about listening to music. And then phases when I don’t listen to music at all. This has been one of my music-craze phases. Not sure why. I guess it just depends on what’s going on in my life.
            Well before my migraine gets too out of control I guess I better attempt to go to sleep, after I listen to my four songs right now again. Then I’ll go to bed. I’m sure I’ll be writing a lot more this next week, since I know I shouldn’t be. But everyone have a good Monday, if that’s even possible. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hold It Together

            Uh oh. Sydney just got all emotional. I was just procrastinating, of course, by taking down all of the stuff on my walls in my dorm, one less thing to do next week. It looks so sad and empty! I don’t want to leave Pullman. It’s so hard to comprehend that I’ve been here for as long as I have. And that it’s almost time to go home. The really sad part is that even though I’m coming back here next year, it wont be in the same way. I wont be living with the same people (which in some cases is good), but I’ll miss living with my roommate, Chanel. Ahhhh it’s just so sad. I wanna cry!!
            I seriously remember the very first day when I got here. It was hot as hell and I had just gotten through a terrible migraine so the heat wasn’t really helping. But it was exciting moving all of my stuff in. It’d be different if I was coming back to the same place every year. But next year I’ll be living with my favorite people in the entire world. After that, though, I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. Maybe study abroad for a semester. It’ll just be different every year. It has just been such a fun year. I’m excited for it to be summer, but I don’t want to leave all of my Pullman friends. (The whole 6th floor included J)
            I guess I’ll just try to think positive. I get to go see all of my Spokane friends, and friends from high school. That will definitely be a blast. We always know how to have a good time. I get to work…not sure if that’s going to be exciting or dull, we’ll see. I get to lay by the pool and work on my tan. I get to go to the lake. Hoopfest! Fourth of July. Maybe go visit my cousins. So going home isn’t all bad! I’m just kidding. It’s not bad at all. I just wish I could have the best of both worlds. I do have the advantage of coming to Pullman on the weekends during the summer, but not everyone will be here. Either way, it’ll be a fun summer. It’s just the fact that it’s finally hitting me that I have a week left before I leave here.
            Well, I’m gonna enjoy one last Pullman weekend for the school year and then work my butt of for finals next week. Oh joy… Hope everyone has had a good week!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week of a Weekend

            Seriously, was this weekend only two days long? I feel like it has been the weekend for a week. Turns out I can fit a heck of a lot into two days. Especially after this last week, which was pretty much the most stressful week I’ve ever had. And although I am not looking forward to dead week or finals week, it’s only two weeks and then I get to go home for the summer! So here’s the low down on my week of a weekend.
            Friday: in the morning, at seven freaking am I was exhausted and continued to study for my biology test. I hope I did well on it because if I did, then I don’t have to take the final. Which would be a weight off of my shoulders. But I got through the test and I feel like I did pretty well on it! After my last class I had to drive back to Spokane for a job interview at Mackenzie River pizza. Looks like that’s where I’ll be working this summer! Totally stoked that I got the job and to start working there. And that was a great way to start my weekend. Also, I managed to make it to the Ferris baseball game after my interview. So happy to see those boys play so well. I really miss being their manager. I’m hoping I get to see a few more of their games once I get done with school. So I stayed after the game to sit in the dugout and say hi to the team. Shortly after that, Maggie and I drove back to Pullman to have ourselves a great wazzu weekend.
            We got ourselves dressed up, which is nice for a change since I am too lazy to ever look nice during the week. Can’t help it. Our first stop was to our dates for the following day to visit them at their fraternity. There wasn’t a whole lot going on there that night, but it was fun to hang and chat with them. And then the lure of a cute little black lab puppy drew us to another fraternity house. We played some games of pong, terribly I must say. I feel like we got better as the night went on, though. Then we made the walk over to our friend’s dorm to go hang with them. It ended up being a short time for me there since I was drawn back to that stupid puppy’s house. Mags and I ended up sleeping, not at my dorm, not at the same dorm, but in two different places. Although, I think my sleeping arrangement was better in the fact that I got to sleep next to an adorable puppy. And we both had the walk of shame the next morning but fortunately we both somehow woke up at six in the morning, so there was really no one to witness our walk. And her walk wasn’t as far as mine was. So after we met up, took our six am shower, and fell back asleep for two hours, we had to rally ourselves to get ready again for the day.
            Saturday: It was a good thing we took our showers at six because by the time we woke up again and ate some food, we didn’t have a lot of time to relax because we had to be ready in less than an hour. Our plan for the day was to go with our friends on their fraternity’s date dash in Coeur d’Alene. So the boys came and picked us up and then we went to hang at the frat house for a little before we left. Then once everyone got settled onto the buses, we headed out to CDA. It was a long, hot, but really fun bus ride there. Everyone was definitely having themselves a good time. Surprisingly, we all made it there alive! Once we got to CDA, we walked over to Hudson’s burgers…seriously the best burgers in the world. Maggie and I both ate two, and we were still hungry! But we didn’t gorge ourselves anymore. We walked over to the beach and hung out and took some pictures. Then we had to walk around in search of where everyone was meeting again. Eventually we found the place. All of us made our way on to the cruise boat and we headed out on the lake. It was such a beautiful day. Perfect for a day on the lake. Most everyone stayed on top of the cruise boat with the deejay and some dancing. It was a blast! By the end of…I actually don’t know how many hours we were out there, but we were all exhausted, sitting in the sun. Once we docked, we all got back on to the buses to make the drive back to Pullman. Lots of people fell asleep on the bus. I don’t know how I managed to stay awake. I was so tired. I don’t remember being that tired in a long time! But I’m glad I didn’t fall asleep because obviously it is a bad idea to fall asleep on a bus with a bunch of frat boys. I laughed my ass off as my friend, Matt, was passed out and people drew all over his face with a pen and mascara. My abs hurt so bad from laughing that hard. He woke up and didn’t have a clue what happened or why we burst out laughing anytime he looked at one of us. His date woke up and had a temporary freak-out when she saw his face. “Why are there penises all over your face????” I think she was just concerned that she had stuff on her face, too.
            Once we got back it was time for Maggie and I to rally once more. So we had ourselves some Jimmy Johns and got ourselves going again back at the frat. We were having a grand old time bouncing from room to room and socializing. We had heard about another fiesta going on at an apartment so we went with some people to it. Turns out it wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be so we went back to the frat. We got invited to go hang out with another one of our friends so we walked over to his brother’s apartment. After awhile we decided we were done for, we attempted to walk home but about ten steps out the door we decided that we would go back. Good choice on our part except the fact that we had to make the walk of shame a second time in one weekend. I felt better about this one but more people had to witness it. It was funny though. We got some breakfast once we were back at my dorm, and now here I am typing away about the weekend. What a fun one it was. Much needed after last week. And it will hopefully get me through these coming weeks. Can’t wait to be home soon!!
            Now I’m going to go finish reading my book. Haven’t had much time for it this week and I don’t think I will this next week either so I better get reading in while I can. Especially outside on this nice, sunny, beautiful day. Enjoy your Sunday! I know I will. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Look Out!

             Holy crap. Today was probably the single busiest, or at least most stressful day I’ve had. Actually just about every day this week have each had their individual stressors to freak me out. Needless to say, I’ll be happy tomorrow around 2pm when I am done with classes for the week and get a break. Of course this little “break” will only last until Sunday afternoon-ish. And then I get the joy of dead week. But that doesn’t matter. My main concern is enjoying this weekend!
            Actually scratch that. I wont feel relieved until about 4 pm tomorrow because I have an interview. Hmm… 2…4…what’s the difference of a few hours after a week like this? I get to go to Spokane, have a hopefully successful interview, and then get to come back to Pullman with one of my best friends, Maggie! It has been far too long since I’ve seen her…like what? Two weeks? Much too long.
            A little inside scoop: Maggie might be transferring here to WSU next year, and if she does…look out Pullman!! Us two together. Yikes. We always find ways to have the weirdest, most fun times ever. And her and Shelly know what I’m talking about. Speaking of Shelly, I’m a little mad that she’s ditching Maggie and I this weekend. She could have gone on a fun cruise around CDA lake for a date dash with us. But no. I hope she is reading this so she feels bad about it!!
            Well, as usual, I am using this blog to procrastinate my studying. I feel like that always happens. Doing nothing…nah I’m not in the “writing mood” today. Studying…GAH I have a great idea for my blog, I must write! That’s how it always goes. I’m almost registered for all of my classes! Just one more I’m trying to get into. I’m looking forward to having English classes again, although I didn’t get into the one I really wanted, it filled up fast. But I’ll be keeping an eye out for openings. I cannot believe this year is almost over. Literally so much has happened that it’s hard to remember it all happened in the same year. I still remember the feeling I had when my mommy left me here that first day. I wasn’t so much sad, just extremely nervous, among other things. It feels like first semester and second semester were two different years! But I’m looking forward to summer, and coming back and not having to be stuck in the dorms. As much as I love sharing a bathroom with 30 other people…I think I can live without it. Although, I’ll definitely miss Pullman. I don’t even want to leave! I just don’t want to have to be in school anymore. But fortunately we’ll have our apartment in June and, being only an hour away, we can come and go as we please. That will be nice.
            I guess I better get back to my studying. I mean I could totally write another couple pages about nothing, but we all know that’s not a good idea. I would start talking about random, odd things. Rambling. Like I am right now. So I’m off. Everyone have fun on 4/20! Be safe! And look out Pullman, because Maggie and I will be here…together…in town. Watch yo self. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Crazy Freaking People

             Yikes. I never thought I could have so much to do in a matter of a few weeks. I thought wrong. It is definitely possible. And I think I need to confront my issue of procrastinating. It is a real problem. I guess the first step to a problem is admitting that you have one. I am a procrastinator. There I said. Now I’ll come back to that problem later…maybe.
            Actually I did spend a solid three hours studying biology today, finished my study guide, and did my portion of the PowerPoint that I needed to do for my com study speech. And it’s only Tuesday! I think that deserves a pat on the back. I also applied to several more jobs. I have semi been preparing for my interview Friday. I think so far this week I’ve gotten a lot accomplished…for me. So I don’t feel too disappointed. Still a little stressed, though.
            Funny story today: so a few weeks ago I read this book that was on Barnes and Noble’s best sellers books, (and if you know me, you know how much I love to read). It was definitely a different story. It is called Fifty Shades of Grey. Little did I know at first, it is an erotic novel. But I thought hey why not give it a try? It ended up…and if you don’t want me to spoil the book then don’t continue reading. It ended up being about this crazy sexy billionaire who lives in Seattle that this girl who is just about to graduate from WSU Vancouver (WSU whoop whoop) meets at random chance. She falls for him and he ends up being this crazy sex maniac who is into the whole dominant/submissive thing. Anyways, so that was my first of ever hearing of that type of relationship. Crazy I know. But then today we talked about that type of relationship in my psychology and sexuality class and it hit me that this type of thing is actually real. Now no offense to those people who are into this kind of stuff, and by that I mean you’re freaking psycho. This girl on the video we watched in class talked about how she spent all day, a very intimate and exciting day doing a scene. Which is when they do all this dominant/submissive stuff. She said they did a gang rape thing. And then she said that she was almost drowned, but they pulled her out before she actually drowned. And she said this crap was fun and exciting! How is almost being drowned and gang raped exciting and fun? Why the hell would that ever appeal to anyone at anytime? I just do not see myself being interested in having sex after almost being drowned. And that is just a minor part of all the freaky crap they do. The lady called it "kinky". No. That's not kinky, that's insane. Kinky would be like handcuffs or something like that. Not handcuffs, blindfolds, and having hot wax poured on your chest. From a psychological perspective, I can somewhat understand that some people feel the need to do this type of thing, but will never be of interest to me. 
            Anyways, they also showed this instructional video on how dominant/submissive relationships work. This guy had his “submissive” sitting on her little doggy bed next to him like he was her pet. People are crazy. I don’t know about you but the thought of having hot candle wax poured on me during anything sexual does not sound appealing to me in the slightest. But, to each their own. Good luck with that.
            I guess I better get back to some sort of studying. Even though I am in the middle of reading two different books and in the middle of season two of One Tree Hill and all three of them are calling my name. Maybe I’ll go on a run if I can get my roommate to go with me. Pretty much anything to avoid homework right now. I’m homework-studied out. I need the rest of the night off.
            Hope you have a splendid rest of the week. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mom's Weekend 2012

           Oh Lordy help us all. Yes, it has been Mom’s weekend 2012 here in good ol’ Pullman, Washington. Mine and my mom’s first Mom’s weekend at wazzu. There’s been good times and there’s been bad times, but we made it through it. And the future Mom’s weekends are just going to get crazier and crazier from here on out because next year, my other aunt, TT will be joining us so you know shit’s gonna go down.
            I got to show my mom around Pullman and we had a very nice time. She got to play her first pong game ever. Turns out she’s lefty. Who would’ve thought it?! And then she showed them boys up by beating them badly at the game of quarters. Come on Mom, don’t ya know that we youngins don’t play quarters? But we do have our large assortment of “beverage” games. It was fun, though. Except…
            Sydney (and by Sydney I mean me) wins the hot mess of the night award for last night! Whoop whoop! Yup I am the champion of that for the evening. Oh good gosh I think I scared away my cousin’s entire fraternity. You see when my mom and I drink “beverages” together I swear all my inner issues with her come out in one big blowout and if you’re in the firing line then you better watch yourself! Well all I can do now is just laugh for making a fool of myself. Leave it to me. Hey maybe all this crap will make for a good story in the book I will one day write. Who knows! The only thing that scares me is the fact that I know I was crying last night…but since I never looked in a mirror, I realize that I probably looked like a raccoon!! Gah. Oh well. Shit happens, right?
            Anyways. Two more freaking weeks and then we all get to go home for the summer! Seriously, right now I’m over this school thing. I just need a break. I have literally had a test in at least one of my classes every week for the past 7 weeks. It is ridiculous. I mean I should be happy that they are at least spaced out and I don’t have five tests in one week because that would suck. But still, they just keep coming. And I have another one this week. That’s eight weeks in a row! And then next week will make nine. And then finals week! Jeez professors, give me a break. Ah well, just gotta power through these last few weeks and I’ll be fine.
            So, this upcoming week I have a bio test to study for, a speech to rewrite and perform, and another speech to practice that we have to give at the end of next week, among other things. And then Friday I am driving to Spokane for a job interview, then going to drive back to Pullman with Maggie. Saturday Maggie and I get to go on a formal date dash with some friends. I’m so excited! We get to go to Coeur d’Alene and go out on the lake for our date. I’m glad that Maggie is going because we’ll need each other as wing-women. Gotta look out for each other! It should be fun, though. I’m definitely looking forward to it.
            Fun stuff to look forward to! And not so fun stuff, a.k.a. finals. But these next couple weeks should definitely go by fast. Can’t wait for summer!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Four Weeks Left...WHAT??

            Had yet another exciting weekend at home. But it’s weird to think that the next time I go home I’ll be going home for the summer…weird. Time just goes way too fast. I cannot believe we only have four weeks left of our freshman year in college. It is absolutely crazy to believe. One year down, only a few more to go...well depending on whether or not I go to graduate school. Still, time is really flying by. But I am excited and looking forward to summer!
            So the weekend! Friday: Maggie and I went to a Mardi Gras themed fundraising party at one of the frats out in Cheney. It was…interesting. We almost got ourselves into trouble but we got lucky. And then we spent the night at our friend’s Niki and Nick’s apartment. It ended up being a fun night.
            Friday day and Saturday day I spent all day at East Valley high school watching my little cousin, Brendan, in his wrestling tournament. They are my family from Montana, the Barnes. I LOVED seeing them! Plus I got to see my other Montana-born family but now living in Idaho, JD and Jody and their son Chase. All the little kids, Chase, Brendan, Rylee and Will are getting so big!! I’m glad I got to see all of them. Brendan is such a tough little wrestler. And I’ll admit, it’s been quite awhile since I’ve watched wrestling. I forgot how intense it can get. It all reminds me of living back in Montana. People who make fun of Montana just don’t understand how great it is. You really have to live there to realize how nice it is there. I miss it. But I love Washington, too, of course. It is equally great here. It was nice to see my family, though.
            Saturday night was…just odd. Fun, but odd. And hilarious. Maggie and I went over to our friend Drew’s house. We were just playing some “beverage” games. And then, I don’t really know who started the idea, I think it was when Drew came out in his robe, but they decided they wanted to make a music video. So we all got dressed up in random items of clothing, and just danced around. Or at least that’s what Maggie and I did. I didn’t really know what I was doing! We did our whole Jabberwocky thing, too. And the greatest part about it…we got it all on video. And we ended the night trying to watch some movies but I think we were all a little distracted.
            Sunday was Easter, of course. The whole famn damily got together to enjoy the feast of so many yummy foods. Definitely one thing I love about going home is the food. As much as I enjoy WSU food…I prefer home-cooked food. And Sunday was the best food I’ve had in awhile. I’m looking forward to living in an apartment next year when we’ll have the choice of cooking our own food or not. It will be nice.
            Today, I had to drive back from Spokane to Pullman again. Boy is that a tiring drive when you have to wake up at 6 in the morning and then to have to go straight to all of your classes. Definitely squeezed in two naps today…hopefully that wont affect me too badly when I try to fall asleep here in a little bit. Just gotta make it through the next two days and then Thursday my mommy comes to Pullman for mom’s weekend! My aunt Tere is coming too but not till Friday since she’ll be traveling from the west side.
            I just talked to my new adviser today. Prior to this semester I planned on being a psychology major because I really love learning about psychology and I find it so intriguing and interesting. But I realized from my enjoyment of writing (for instance this blog), my love of reading, since I read as many books as I can, and how I’ve always loved my English classes, why the hell am I not majoring in English? I know I still have time to change my mind again if I choose to do so. But I just don’t see that happening. I really am so excited for my English classes next semester. I may still minor in Psychology or perhaps double major, but regardless, I know that English is my passion and that’s what I plan to pursue.
            Well, off to this week of classes, homework, and more job hunting! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Oh Be Nice

Once again, it has been awhile since I’ve written a blog. I’d like to say it’s because I’ve been really busy, I mean I have, but not too busy to write it, more just too lazy to type it. Usually I’m laying in bed when I remember I need to write it, and I just don’t have the energy to get up to go type it. Also, I just feel like they have been boring lately because I don’t know what to write about. Which is why it’s kind of nice to wait a few days because then most likely something has happened that I can talk about.
            Here’s what has happened in the past few days. Friday, I went and saw 21 Jump Street with a couple friends. HILARIOUS. Literally through the whole movie I was laughing out loud. Channing Tatum in comedies > Channing Tatum in romance movies. Saturday, I spent like all day writing and perfecting my resume with the help of my mom and my uncle whom are experts at them, thankfully for me. And Saturday night I went out with Maggie and Shelly. Let’s just say when we’re all together…shit gets crazy. We went out to Gonzaga to visit Shelly (who attends school there), and went to a few lively parties. That was sure interesting. Although my complaint about Gonzaga: guys don’t give girls free “beverages”. (And by beverages I obviously mean apple juice and some soda pop, of course. *wink wink*). Whereas at Wazzu, I have never had to pay for beverages myself once! But no matter, we found ourselves some beverages on our own. We are unstoppable when it comes to seeking out free beverages. Also, I found myself a new pair of sunglasses. Well, the lenses were out of them but nevertheless I wore them around all night like a dork. I think there is a picture with them on Facebook. And the next morning I woke up with about a hundred pictures on my phone. Some are not eligible to be seen by public eye. Shelly and Maggie know what I’m referring to. Still, it was hilarious!
            Sunday, well as you could probably guess I wasn’t feeling very motivated that day. I did get some stuff done, though. I took resumes around and I finished my homework. Also, the Academy of Country Music Awards was on so naturally I watched that. I love country music. Love it. I love all kinds of music but most definitely country music. And then yesterday I woke up at SIX AM!! Seriously I haven’t woke up that early in, I don’t even know how long. But we had to drive back to Pullman before class started so we had to get an early start.
            This week, I have an anthropology test to look forward to. The Titanic comes out in theaters so Chanel and I will probably go see that. It is my favorite romance movie. And I have some schoolwork, and reading new books to start. And then this weekend is Easter weekend so I’m going home to Spokane again to enjoy those festivities with my family. Friday night my family from Montana is coming into town as well for my little cousin’s wrestling tournament so I’m excited to see them! Saturday I may go out again with Maggie and Shelly, depending on their plans. And Sunday…I will feast on the delicious foods that will be served for Easter dinner. Yum yum. Plus, I’ll get to see more of my family.
            Has anyone else noticed an increase in death rates recently? There was a shooting at the University of Oakland in California, there were a bunch of robberies near Spokane this past weekend, a kayaker from Gonzaga drowned, and the Trayvon Martin case as well. You know what I think it is? I think people are feeling cooped up by this weather and they are getting anxious and maybe that is affecting them; in reference to the crimes that is. I don’t know for sure that the crime rate has increased lately, but maybe I’ve just been paying attention more so it feels like it has. The news is almost always depressing to watch. I hate hearing it. I know it’s important that I do, but I hate it. And all this bullying hype that is going around! I thought we were done with that. People need to get over their need they feel to be mean to other people. I’m not saying that I’ve never ever been mean to someone. But I do try my best to be kind to everyone and not hurt someone else’s feelings. Hasn’t anyone ever heard of the quote “kill ‘em with kindness”? Why everyone is so concerned with everyone else’s business in the first place is beyond me. I try my best to avoid drama. You know what I do? I watch tv shows that are full of the stuff so I can get it out of my system. Try watching 90210! Trust me, it works. For all of you who love to here about drama and feel the need to get some drama out of your system, here’s a list of tv shows that you may enjoy and will help you with your weird obsession:

  • 90210
  • One Tree Hill
  • Revenge
  • Secret Life of the American Teenager
  • Jersey Shore
  • Teen Mom/Teen Mom2/ 16 and Pregnant
  • Just about every MTV-created show
You know what? Here’s a link with a whole list of the genre drama tv shows. You’re welcome. Now stop bullying other people. Thanks.