Monday, April 30, 2012

Gah! Finals Week

            So I think I found out where the “sock bandit” comes from when doing laundry. Today, I found that in both of my tube socks (I don’t even know when I was last wearing tube socks) two of my normal socks were stuck inside of my tube socks. If you’re ever looking for missing socks, try your long socks first. Other than that, you’re on your own.
            Well last week was awful. I got strep throat right in the beginning of dead week. Luckily antibiotics work miracles and it went away in like a day. Phew. But I thought last week was rough…this week…oh my gosh. That’s really all I can say. Five finals. Yikes. And I thought I only had four. Bleh. Oh well. In just five short days (actually probably long days) I will be home once again.
            I had a fun, but sad last weekend in Pullman. Okay, it wasn’t sad at all. I’m just sad at the fact that it was my first last weekend in Pullman. Once again, my best friend Mags came down to visit. Somehow we always find a way to hang out together…not sure how it always works out that way. Her and our friend Alissa came down Friday for the final weekend in Pullman. Plus, I finally went out with my bestestest friend Chloe, for the first time, on the last weekend, in Pullman. Funny how we have been best friends for like seven years now…wow, and we both go to our favoritest school together, and we don’t actually go out together till the very last weekend. But I’m glad that we managed to get one night out together. I wouldn’t say Friday night was the usual crazy Pullman night, but it was definitely a blast. We frat hopped a bit and got out to see some friends at different places. Definitely had ourselves a good time.
            Saturday day, I really wanted to have myself a good time, but it got cut short since I had to take a stupid online test. I was a little disappointed about that. But Saturday night, Alissa stayed again so we went and socialized with people that night. It was a pretty relaxed night but still fun. And then today…I really tried thinking about studying, but for some reason I was just super tired all day and I literally did not get out of bed until like four. I just kept falling back asleep. Which is really unfortunate because sometimes when I oversleep it makes me have a migraine, which I am currently experiencing right now. But since I’m staring at a computer screen and not hiding under my covers, it clearly isn’t as bad of a migraine as usual. I’m hoping to just sleep it off, though. We shall see how that goes.
            I don’t know how many blogs I’ll get in this week. Actually…since I’m supposed to be studying all week, and since I am the queen of procrastinating, I’ll probably get in more blogs than I ever have before. Who would have thought?! Damn. I was just waiting for my spotify playlist to start and was getting frustrated that it wouldn’t, but I realized my volume was on mute. Cool Sydney. I can just tell this is going to be a rough week. And I’ve been rather upset that I have hardly had time to get either time for reading both of my books in, or very much One Tree Hill on Netflix in. I made up for that a little today by watching like ten episodes of it today. But I am going to have to do some serious damage in this summer if I want to get the rest of One Tree Hill watched, plus I have about 20 books that I need to read. Plus I need to have like two jobs this summer. Plus I want to be able to see all of my friends this summer. Plus I want to be at the lake this summer. Plus I want to go visit both my family in Montana and in Tacoma. Plus I want to sleep a lot and lay by the pool. Think I’m gonna get all of that in? Me either. But hey, if I cut out the sleeping portion of it…who knows what I can accomplish? I can sleep when I’m dead. Or so I’ve heard, but I’m not really sure if that is possible. I’m not really an expert on being dead or anything. I’ll look into it, don’t worry guys.
            So I’ve been playing the same like four songs over and over on Spotify. I hope people don’t think I’m a freak. In case you’re wondering or haven’t seen me play them over and over on Facebook, I’ve been listening to “Ordinary People” by John Legend, “Dare you to move” by Switchfoot, “White Houses” by Vanessa Carlton and “The first cut is the deepest” by Sheryl Crow. And then I’ve been listening to like every country song I know, too. I go through phases of being crazy about listening to music. And then phases when I don’t listen to music at all. This has been one of my music-craze phases. Not sure why. I guess it just depends on what’s going on in my life.
            Well before my migraine gets too out of control I guess I better attempt to go to sleep, after I listen to my four songs right now again. Then I’ll go to bed. I’m sure I’ll be writing a lot more this next week, since I know I shouldn’t be. But everyone have a good Monday, if that’s even possible. 

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