Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week of a Weekend

            Seriously, was this weekend only two days long? I feel like it has been the weekend for a week. Turns out I can fit a heck of a lot into two days. Especially after this last week, which was pretty much the most stressful week I’ve ever had. And although I am not looking forward to dead week or finals week, it’s only two weeks and then I get to go home for the summer! So here’s the low down on my week of a weekend.
            Friday: in the morning, at seven freaking am I was exhausted and continued to study for my biology test. I hope I did well on it because if I did, then I don’t have to take the final. Which would be a weight off of my shoulders. But I got through the test and I feel like I did pretty well on it! After my last class I had to drive back to Spokane for a job interview at Mackenzie River pizza. Looks like that’s where I’ll be working this summer! Totally stoked that I got the job and to start working there. And that was a great way to start my weekend. Also, I managed to make it to the Ferris baseball game after my interview. So happy to see those boys play so well. I really miss being their manager. I’m hoping I get to see a few more of their games once I get done with school. So I stayed after the game to sit in the dugout and say hi to the team. Shortly after that, Maggie and I drove back to Pullman to have ourselves a great wazzu weekend.
            We got ourselves dressed up, which is nice for a change since I am too lazy to ever look nice during the week. Can’t help it. Our first stop was to our dates for the following day to visit them at their fraternity. There wasn’t a whole lot going on there that night, but it was fun to hang and chat with them. And then the lure of a cute little black lab puppy drew us to another fraternity house. We played some games of pong, terribly I must say. I feel like we got better as the night went on, though. Then we made the walk over to our friend’s dorm to go hang with them. It ended up being a short time for me there since I was drawn back to that stupid puppy’s house. Mags and I ended up sleeping, not at my dorm, not at the same dorm, but in two different places. Although, I think my sleeping arrangement was better in the fact that I got to sleep next to an adorable puppy. And we both had the walk of shame the next morning but fortunately we both somehow woke up at six in the morning, so there was really no one to witness our walk. And her walk wasn’t as far as mine was. So after we met up, took our six am shower, and fell back asleep for two hours, we had to rally ourselves to get ready again for the day.
            Saturday: It was a good thing we took our showers at six because by the time we woke up again and ate some food, we didn’t have a lot of time to relax because we had to be ready in less than an hour. Our plan for the day was to go with our friends on their fraternity’s date dash in Coeur d’Alene. So the boys came and picked us up and then we went to hang at the frat house for a little before we left. Then once everyone got settled onto the buses, we headed out to CDA. It was a long, hot, but really fun bus ride there. Everyone was definitely having themselves a good time. Surprisingly, we all made it there alive! Once we got to CDA, we walked over to Hudson’s burgers…seriously the best burgers in the world. Maggie and I both ate two, and we were still hungry! But we didn’t gorge ourselves anymore. We walked over to the beach and hung out and took some pictures. Then we had to walk around in search of where everyone was meeting again. Eventually we found the place. All of us made our way on to the cruise boat and we headed out on the lake. It was such a beautiful day. Perfect for a day on the lake. Most everyone stayed on top of the cruise boat with the deejay and some dancing. It was a blast! By the end of…I actually don’t know how many hours we were out there, but we were all exhausted, sitting in the sun. Once we docked, we all got back on to the buses to make the drive back to Pullman. Lots of people fell asleep on the bus. I don’t know how I managed to stay awake. I was so tired. I don’t remember being that tired in a long time! But I’m glad I didn’t fall asleep because obviously it is a bad idea to fall asleep on a bus with a bunch of frat boys. I laughed my ass off as my friend, Matt, was passed out and people drew all over his face with a pen and mascara. My abs hurt so bad from laughing that hard. He woke up and didn’t have a clue what happened or why we burst out laughing anytime he looked at one of us. His date woke up and had a temporary freak-out when she saw his face. “Why are there penises all over your face????” I think she was just concerned that she had stuff on her face, too.
            Once we got back it was time for Maggie and I to rally once more. So we had ourselves some Jimmy Johns and got ourselves going again back at the frat. We were having a grand old time bouncing from room to room and socializing. We had heard about another fiesta going on at an apartment so we went with some people to it. Turns out it wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be so we went back to the frat. We got invited to go hang out with another one of our friends so we walked over to his brother’s apartment. After awhile we decided we were done for, we attempted to walk home but about ten steps out the door we decided that we would go back. Good choice on our part except the fact that we had to make the walk of shame a second time in one weekend. I felt better about this one but more people had to witness it. It was funny though. We got some breakfast once we were back at my dorm, and now here I am typing away about the weekend. What a fun one it was. Much needed after last week. And it will hopefully get me through these coming weeks. Can’t wait to be home soon!!
            Now I’m going to go finish reading my book. Haven’t had much time for it this week and I don’t think I will this next week either so I better get reading in while I can. Especially outside on this nice, sunny, beautiful day. Enjoy your Sunday! I know I will. 

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