Thursday, April 19, 2012

Look Out!

             Holy crap. Today was probably the single busiest, or at least most stressful day I’ve had. Actually just about every day this week have each had their individual stressors to freak me out. Needless to say, I’ll be happy tomorrow around 2pm when I am done with classes for the week and get a break. Of course this little “break” will only last until Sunday afternoon-ish. And then I get the joy of dead week. But that doesn’t matter. My main concern is enjoying this weekend!
            Actually scratch that. I wont feel relieved until about 4 pm tomorrow because I have an interview. Hmm… 2…4…what’s the difference of a few hours after a week like this? I get to go to Spokane, have a hopefully successful interview, and then get to come back to Pullman with one of my best friends, Maggie! It has been far too long since I’ve seen her…like what? Two weeks? Much too long.
            A little inside scoop: Maggie might be transferring here to WSU next year, and if she does…look out Pullman!! Us two together. Yikes. We always find ways to have the weirdest, most fun times ever. And her and Shelly know what I’m talking about. Speaking of Shelly, I’m a little mad that she’s ditching Maggie and I this weekend. She could have gone on a fun cruise around CDA lake for a date dash with us. But no. I hope she is reading this so she feels bad about it!!
            Well, as usual, I am using this blog to procrastinate my studying. I feel like that always happens. Doing nothing…nah I’m not in the “writing mood” today. Studying…GAH I have a great idea for my blog, I must write! That’s how it always goes. I’m almost registered for all of my classes! Just one more I’m trying to get into. I’m looking forward to having English classes again, although I didn’t get into the one I really wanted, it filled up fast. But I’ll be keeping an eye out for openings. I cannot believe this year is almost over. Literally so much has happened that it’s hard to remember it all happened in the same year. I still remember the feeling I had when my mommy left me here that first day. I wasn’t so much sad, just extremely nervous, among other things. It feels like first semester and second semester were two different years! But I’m looking forward to summer, and coming back and not having to be stuck in the dorms. As much as I love sharing a bathroom with 30 other people…I think I can live without it. Although, I’ll definitely miss Pullman. I don’t even want to leave! I just don’t want to have to be in school anymore. But fortunately we’ll have our apartment in June and, being only an hour away, we can come and go as we please. That will be nice.
            I guess I better get back to my studying. I mean I could totally write another couple pages about nothing, but we all know that’s not a good idea. I would start talking about random, odd things. Rambling. Like I am right now. So I’m off. Everyone have fun on 4/20! Be safe! And look out Pullman, because Maggie and I will be here…together…in town. Watch yo self. 

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