Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Oh Be Nice

Once again, it has been awhile since I’ve written a blog. I’d like to say it’s because I’ve been really busy, I mean I have, but not too busy to write it, more just too lazy to type it. Usually I’m laying in bed when I remember I need to write it, and I just don’t have the energy to get up to go type it. Also, I just feel like they have been boring lately because I don’t know what to write about. Which is why it’s kind of nice to wait a few days because then most likely something has happened that I can talk about.
            Here’s what has happened in the past few days. Friday, I went and saw 21 Jump Street with a couple friends. HILARIOUS. Literally through the whole movie I was laughing out loud. Channing Tatum in comedies > Channing Tatum in romance movies. Saturday, I spent like all day writing and perfecting my resume with the help of my mom and my uncle whom are experts at them, thankfully for me. And Saturday night I went out with Maggie and Shelly. Let’s just say when we’re all together…shit gets crazy. We went out to Gonzaga to visit Shelly (who attends school there), and went to a few lively parties. That was sure interesting. Although my complaint about Gonzaga: guys don’t give girls free “beverages”. (And by beverages I obviously mean apple juice and some soda pop, of course. *wink wink*). Whereas at Wazzu, I have never had to pay for beverages myself once! But no matter, we found ourselves some beverages on our own. We are unstoppable when it comes to seeking out free beverages. Also, I found myself a new pair of sunglasses. Well, the lenses were out of them but nevertheless I wore them around all night like a dork. I think there is a picture with them on Facebook. And the next morning I woke up with about a hundred pictures on my phone. Some are not eligible to be seen by public eye. Shelly and Maggie know what I’m referring to. Still, it was hilarious!
            Sunday, well as you could probably guess I wasn’t feeling very motivated that day. I did get some stuff done, though. I took resumes around and I finished my homework. Also, the Academy of Country Music Awards was on so naturally I watched that. I love country music. Love it. I love all kinds of music but most definitely country music. And then yesterday I woke up at SIX AM!! Seriously I haven’t woke up that early in, I don’t even know how long. But we had to drive back to Pullman before class started so we had to get an early start.
            This week, I have an anthropology test to look forward to. The Titanic comes out in theaters so Chanel and I will probably go see that. It is my favorite romance movie. And I have some schoolwork, and reading new books to start. And then this weekend is Easter weekend so I’m going home to Spokane again to enjoy those festivities with my family. Friday night my family from Montana is coming into town as well for my little cousin’s wrestling tournament so I’m excited to see them! Saturday I may go out again with Maggie and Shelly, depending on their plans. And Sunday…I will feast on the delicious foods that will be served for Easter dinner. Yum yum. Plus, I’ll get to see more of my family.
            Has anyone else noticed an increase in death rates recently? There was a shooting at the University of Oakland in California, there were a bunch of robberies near Spokane this past weekend, a kayaker from Gonzaga drowned, and the Trayvon Martin case as well. You know what I think it is? I think people are feeling cooped up by this weather and they are getting anxious and maybe that is affecting them; in reference to the crimes that is. I don’t know for sure that the crime rate has increased lately, but maybe I’ve just been paying attention more so it feels like it has. The news is almost always depressing to watch. I hate hearing it. I know it’s important that I do, but I hate it. And all this bullying hype that is going around! I thought we were done with that. People need to get over their need they feel to be mean to other people. I’m not saying that I’ve never ever been mean to someone. But I do try my best to be kind to everyone and not hurt someone else’s feelings. Hasn’t anyone ever heard of the quote “kill ‘em with kindness”? Why everyone is so concerned with everyone else’s business in the first place is beyond me. I try my best to avoid drama. You know what I do? I watch tv shows that are full of the stuff so I can get it out of my system. Try watching 90210! Trust me, it works. For all of you who love to here about drama and feel the need to get some drama out of your system, here’s a list of tv shows that you may enjoy and will help you with your weird obsession:

  • 90210
  • One Tree Hill
  • Revenge
  • Secret Life of the American Teenager
  • Jersey Shore
  • Teen Mom/Teen Mom2/ 16 and Pregnant
  • Just about every MTV-created show
You know what? Here’s a link with a whole list of the genre drama tv shows. You’re welcome. Now stop bullying other people. Thanks.


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that you didn't mention you went to see Hunger Games again!! Tsk tsk
