Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Crazy Freaking People

             Yikes. I never thought I could have so much to do in a matter of a few weeks. I thought wrong. It is definitely possible. And I think I need to confront my issue of procrastinating. It is a real problem. I guess the first step to a problem is admitting that you have one. I am a procrastinator. There I said. Now I’ll come back to that problem later…maybe.
            Actually I did spend a solid three hours studying biology today, finished my study guide, and did my portion of the PowerPoint that I needed to do for my com study speech. And it’s only Tuesday! I think that deserves a pat on the back. I also applied to several more jobs. I have semi been preparing for my interview Friday. I think so far this week I’ve gotten a lot accomplished…for me. So I don’t feel too disappointed. Still a little stressed, though.
            Funny story today: so a few weeks ago I read this book that was on Barnes and Noble’s best sellers books, (and if you know me, you know how much I love to read). It was definitely a different story. It is called Fifty Shades of Grey. Little did I know at first, it is an erotic novel. But I thought hey why not give it a try? It ended up…and if you don’t want me to spoil the book then don’t continue reading. It ended up being about this crazy sexy billionaire who lives in Seattle that this girl who is just about to graduate from WSU Vancouver (WSU whoop whoop) meets at random chance. She falls for him and he ends up being this crazy sex maniac who is into the whole dominant/submissive thing. Anyways, so that was my first of ever hearing of that type of relationship. Crazy I know. But then today we talked about that type of relationship in my psychology and sexuality class and it hit me that this type of thing is actually real. Now no offense to those people who are into this kind of stuff, and by that I mean you’re freaking psycho. This girl on the video we watched in class talked about how she spent all day, a very intimate and exciting day doing a scene. Which is when they do all this dominant/submissive stuff. She said they did a gang rape thing. And then she said that she was almost drowned, but they pulled her out before she actually drowned. And she said this crap was fun and exciting! How is almost being drowned and gang raped exciting and fun? Why the hell would that ever appeal to anyone at anytime? I just do not see myself being interested in having sex after almost being drowned. And that is just a minor part of all the freaky crap they do. The lady called it "kinky". No. That's not kinky, that's insane. Kinky would be like handcuffs or something like that. Not handcuffs, blindfolds, and having hot wax poured on your chest. From a psychological perspective, I can somewhat understand that some people feel the need to do this type of thing, but still...it will never be of interest to me. 
            Anyways, they also showed this instructional video on how dominant/submissive relationships work. This guy had his “submissive” sitting on her little doggy bed next to him like he was her pet. People are crazy. I don’t know about you but the thought of having hot candle wax poured on me during anything sexual does not sound appealing to me in the slightest. But, to each their own. Good luck with that.
            I guess I better get back to some sort of studying. Even though I am in the middle of reading two different books and in the middle of season two of One Tree Hill and all three of them are calling my name. Maybe I’ll go on a run if I can get my roommate to go with me. Pretty much anything to avoid homework right now. I’m homework-studied out. I need the rest of the night off.
            Hope you have a splendid rest of the week. 

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