Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Monday Not Funday

Well, like I said I would…I’m once again procrastinating through my blog. I just can’t help it. I think some of my most entertaining blogs were written through procrastination. Although, I am proud of myself because I did get quite a bit of studying done today. But after a certain point, it is really hard to keep staring at the same information over and over again.
            Another thing I got accomplished today: cleaned out my room. My roommate, Chanel, left today L. Well she’s still here in Pullman, but she left our room and is flying home in the morning. I’ll admit it, I teared up a bit when she left. It’s so weird being here alone. I haven’t actually been in my room alone, with only my stuff since the very first day I came here. Like nine months ago! We could have had a baby by this time or something. I am so sad. I do not want to leave Pullman! I don’t know if I’m ready to be back in Spokane for good yet. I’ve made so many good friends here. And even though I know I will see them next year, things always change over periods of time and I know I wont see the majority of them for the summer. Obviously there are good things about going home, too. I get to see all of my friends from home more. I still don’t want to leave yet, though.
            Chanel and I cleaned our room today…and now it’s already a mess again. I took all of my clothes that were hanging up in my closet and laid them out, to see what I’ll be working with and how I am going to pack all of it back into a car. So now the room is cluttered again. But oh well. You’d think that since I have my room all to myself now that I could get some serious studying done…wrong. I will most likely be doing the opposite if I just sit in my room. I’m going to have to find somewhere else to study. I can’t study in complete silence so I have to have some background noise. If I leave the T.V. on, even if it is stupid infomercials or something, I’ll watch it. So then you would think music, right? Wrong. Since I am by myself, I will be singing all the words and dancing around the room. It always happens and it is something that is almost uncontrollable. Maybe I was on broadway in a past life. Singing and dancing. Even if I’m not good at it, I love doing it.
           Well I guess I better get back to studying for the evening...meaning One Tree Hill.

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