Thursday, March 29, 2012

Weekend and Weekends to Come

            Friday is finally here. Not that this week was really even that long, I just tend to enjoy the weekends more than the weekdays. Although, this weekend I wont get much downtime, similar to last weekend. Still, it means no school work for a day or two. I need to start studying for my anthropology test, though. So I will have to get started on that. But I get to go home and see my family, not that it has been very long, but it’s still nice! I will probably be going home next weekend too, but one of my favorite people in the world will be there so I need to see her! So it will be worth going home two weekends in a row. I will be looking forward to that visit. I haven’t seen my cousin Tara for a long time now, since the football game she came to I think. She, along with her husband Jason and adorable little…well actually big kids now, Brendan, Rylee, and Will, were the family I lived with for a year when I moved to Montana. Quite possibly one of the best years of my life. I know that I was definitely a pain in the butt sometimes but I think I learned more in that year than I’ve ever learned in many ways. I am very thankful for them and for having them in my life. So, needless to say, I can’t wait to see them. Well actually I think I’ll just be seeing Tara. But I’m very excited.
            That following weekend is Mom’s weekend so my mommy, and my aunt Tere are coming to see what the Pullman life is like. Not exactly sure what that entails yet…but it’s Pullman! So it will undoubtedly be entertaining. Perhaps expose them to the “frat life”? They are sure in for a treat.
            Well, I have my 8 am lab…joy. So I’m thinkin’ I’ll be off to bed now. Enjoy your Friday and your weekend, everyone. 

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