Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Do Good Things Always Come to an End?

            So I haven’t written in a few days. Not because I didn’t want to. More because I didn’t know what to write about. Actually that’s not true, I have a ton of things to write about. The thing is that things have been going great lately, I didn’t want to jinx it by writing about it, ya know? So pretty much at this point I love more things about my life than things that I don’t like. And that’s always a good thing.
            It’s been a long week… and it’s only Tuesday. Well technically Wednesday now. Had a wonderful weekend. I worked, but it was still a great weekend. My cousins came and visited from Tacoma. And they are seriously, hands down, my favorite people in the entire world. I love seeing them. Both of them came over for their state golf tournament. They’re pretty much studs. I love them both and it was great to see them, even though they didn’t do their best in their golf tournament. It was still fun to see them and watch them golf. Sad they had to leave tonight, though.
            Well I think I am in love. With a new tv show of course. I knew what you were thinking. But my “love” life stays private thank you very much. Actually this tv show isn’t new, I’ve seen the first season, just not the other three so I am re-watching it. I love One Tree Hill, but now that the characters are out of college I don’t like it as much anymore. The only problem with television shows and netflix, is that it is taking time away from my reading. I seriously have not read a book in like two months now. That has got to be a record. I really need to work on that. I need to read. I cannot live without it. Therefore, I am going to start reading…soon.
            Now I have to go finish watching my episode and go to sleep since I have to work tomorrow… but not till 4:30 so I think I’ll be fine sleeping in, considering it is very late in the evening/early in the morning right now. Night ya’ll. 

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