Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jail Time

            Wanna know what I do when I am extremely bored in my room by myself? Either way, this is my blog, so you’re going to hear it.
            First of all, I woke up, and then I fell back asleep because I did not truly have to be anywhere today, right? Next, to actually wake myself up, I took a shower. Then I thought, hey, all of my clothes are out right now to be packed, maybe I could try on some cute outfits… so I put on one, laid on my bed and fell back asleep. When I woke up about 20 minutes later I said, “Sydney, you need to freaking study.” So I studied for about an hour. Then I went and got some breakfast around one o’clock. I attempted to study a little more, but the lure of One Tree Hill was just calling my name, so I watched three episodes of that. Then I called my mommy to see what was crackin’ with her. Not a whole lot. At least not enough to keep me distracted from studying for long. I went through my flash cards again a few times and then watched another episode of OTH. Then, believe it or not, I was so bored that I couldn’t even sit and watch that anymore. I literally paced around my room. I felt like I was in jail. Not that I know the feeling, but I can only imagine.
            I’m not one to get restless. I can sit and read a book all day long for probably three days straight. But right now I am just utterly restless. I laid on my bed, holding my legs in the air as high as I could for as long as I could…just for something to do. I know what you’re thinking, “why don’t you just go do something if you’re so bored, Sydney?” Well, I feel like if I left my room it would just be distracting me from my studying, even though there wasn’t a lot of that going on. So then I turned on some music, which I am currently listening to right now, and I’ve just been singing away pretending I’m the next Carrie Underwood…HAH. Good one. For those of you who know me really well, you know what my voice sounds like. Lucky you, right?!
            I’m fairly well rehearsed on my flashcards. Just not quite what I need to be. My exam isn’t until three tomorrow. And based on my energy level right now, unless I crash, I’m thinking I’m going to be up for awhile. Oh joy. So I guess I’ll get some more hours of studying in by tomorrow afternoon. Bleh. School sucks. I need to leave my room. It’s driving me insane. Please, oh please, friends, never let me do anything stupid enough to land me in a prison cell, because that will not go over well, and I will need serious psychological treatment afterwards if I do.
            Here I go…again…on my own. Goin’ down the only road...I’ve ever known. Like a drifter, I, Sydney, was born to walk alone. And believe me, I’ve made up my mind, and I ain’t wastin no more time.
            Just kidding, I’m totally wasting time, and I am not like a drifter in any way. I like the pleasure of being in the company of lots of people thank you very much. Okay, I’m done. 

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