Friday, May 4, 2012

(Unique Oxymoron)

            Okay guys, I’m gonna warn you: this blog might get a little bit sappy today. I'm not going to call it bittersweet, even though it is, I just feel like there should be a more unique term to describe it. Hence my title. Which isn't very unique, but that's okay, right?
            I’ll admit…I am actually a little sad right now thinking about this being my last night in Gannon hall. As shitty as it is, I have had so many good times this year here. I mean there is nothing like your first year of college. I’m not saying it’s your best, by any means. But your freshman year in college is when you first get out on your own, make a bunch of new friends. Really get to know the college experience for the first time.
            And I will never ever forget this year and the friendships I’ve formed. I never thought I would be sad to leave Gannon. I am actually scared for the future because this year went by so unbelievably fast. And this is only freshman year! As far as I’ve heard, it only gets better from here on out. I’ve never been one to wish time away. Yeah, okay when I’m in the middle of my 10th hour studying for finals, I’ll admit, I kinda want time to go a teensy bit faster. But even in high school, although I was excited to go to college, I never wanted my senior year to end. Maybe I’m just one of those people who just has a blast no matter what, but I really enjoyed high school. And I’ve enjoyed college so far a million times more.
            I’m just not ready to leave Pullman yet. I guess, to me, it feels like it’s going to be forever before I get to come back, even though I’ll be back during the summer and we’ll all be back here in a few months. I wish I would have savored this year a little more than I did. I had a blast but I just watched it fly by. Sometimes you really take for granted how fast life goes. Everyone, and I mean literally everyone is told that life goes by fast so you need to cherish it. But until a period of time goes by, it’s almost too difficult for any person to comprehend. Even with this summer and next year, I’ll say that I’m going to cherish it more, but I know I’ll just let it fly by fast again. Not that I can really control it. And it’s not a bad thing because I know that I will be enjoying myself. Ha. Gosh I feel like I’m graduating again and that I’ll never see these people again. Which isn’t true. But I have made some great friendships this year. Even friends that I already knew, I became closer to a lot of people.
            It’s hard to tell myself right now that I will be back and enjoying this just as much next year. One of those things that I wont believe it till I see it. Which is why it’s so sad and I’m really not wanting to leave. I just want this night to last forever. Luckily for me, I got to spend my last night in a good way and not just isolated studying, even if that’s what I probably should have been doing! Maybe I’ll just stay up all night. HAH. That’s a joke, I can almost never last all-nighter’s. I’m a person who really enjoys her sleep.
            But this is okay. I’ll be back here in at least 100 days. If not, sooner. So I’m going to try not to be so sad about it. Next year will be a blast, I’ll meet more new people, make new memories, and learn a bunch of new things (hopefully). It will be good. I know it. So I’m going to stop all of this sappy stuff and try to get some final studying in before I go to sleep. But thank you to everyone who made this such an exciting experience and fun year. I will not forget a single one of you J

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