Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Once Upon a Whaaat?

             Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess (because she is always a princess) who met a very handsome prince. Unfortunately, there was some crazy witch or queen or step mother who was trying to prevent the princess from being happy with her man. After a close call, and an almost not-marriage, the evil queen-witch-step mom is slayed or falls out of a tower or dies in some other tragic way. Because of this, the princess and her prince are able to have their amazing wedding and live happily ever after. Then what? What exactly does happily ever after entail? Why, since we were very young, are we taught that we are all princesses that will find a prince and live happily ever after? And as we get older we are told that we will find a boy who will do anything, even give us the door to float on while he freezes and dies just out of love for us? Because none of those stories sounds like the majority of guys I have met. I would like to say chivalry is dead, but was it really ever there? Or is that just what we’re told? A bright side of this, though, is that it teaches us girls to expect only the best for ourselves. So there's that. 
        These freaking movies tell us that we will meet a boy and fall in love and be happy with them for the rest of our lives. Well, I can see the first part happening. Many people fall in love with each other. But who knows how long that love will truly last. According to the movies it lasts for…ever after. Hmm…something sounds fishy about that. Right. Because it’s totally not true! I’m not a cynic. I believe in love and I believe that when you find the right person you truly can be happy with them for the rest of your life. But movies portray this as if this happiness exists every single day of that life. Which it does not. Okay, not all movies do this, but a lot of them. And even the ones that show “real” situations that could happen that are maybe sad or heartbreaking, generally end up with some type of happily ever after. Or at least lead you to believe that is how it ended. It does happen, but it seems more and more rare these days which just brings down the hope. 
        Not only that, there are movies that show us these amazing super heroes that exist that can take on incredible forces. I’ll admit, especially after watching the Avengers recently, I’d be down to have some type of super strength and fight some evil out-of-this-world aliens. (Plus there were some definite hotties in that movie) and if super heroes were that hot… dayummmm. We need some more of those men in this world. Yum. I’ll stop drooling now.
        I probably should stop watching romance movies before I go to bed because then it makes me wish my life could be like The Notebook or The Titanic, or even Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Now, they even have mixtures of them, romance, Disney princess, and action/hero! By this I am referring to the upcoming movie, Snow White and the Huntsman, which I am very much looking forward to. Chris Hemsworth…oh yeah.
        Anyways, I wish I could say that they should not make movies about happily ever afters and super heroes and all of these seemingly impossible things, but I freaking love them so I cannot say that. I am just merely pointing out how awesome it would be if our lives were like movies. Don’t ya think?
        Okay okay, enough about falling in love and fighting crime because tomorrow I get to do both! Just kidding. Well who knows…maybe I will run into an old lady being robbed and I can chase down the guy and grab her purse for her. But that one just seems unlikely. I am however, possibly painting more tomorrow. OH YEAH. So I helped my grandma paint her kitchen today. Worst decision ever. I hate painting. Props to whoever makes careers out of that because you are the true heroes. Good lord that is tough work (pardon my word choice). But dang. So I may have to assist with that a little more. Get my tan on, and get a new tattoo. I know I said I wasn’t going to get another one. But Mags talked me into it. So wish me luck on that. I think I’ll be in good “hands” though so don’t worry. And then Wednesday I start working officially. Maybe a little nervous because this is my first actual job and I don’t want to mess it up. We shall see though. So here goes. I’m off to bed dreaming about fairy tales and sexy princes. Night ya’ll. 

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