Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's Been Awhile

            Okay, I know it has been way too long since I’ve written a blog, but I’ve been busy on summer break, obviously. I believe the last time I wrote, it was late the night before my last two finals. Well let’s just say, I’m glad those are over. It’s been a week since I’ve written, and surprisingly a lot has happened. I had to say goodbye to a good friend, but only for a little while. She is moving away and I will miss her dearly. It is terrible timing that she has to leave right at the beginning of summer. I know she will enjoy it wherever she ends up, though, and I hope to see her soon.
            I’ve also seen a lot of friends since I’ve been home. Went to a baseball game or two. Got my job situation figured out. Turns out I get to be a host, and not just work in the back. So if you’re bored next week sometime between Wednesday and Sunday after 4:30, come by MacKenzie River and see me! I have gone streaking…twice in one week believe it or not. And normally I wouldn’t say this in my blog because that isn’t something you should just be spreading around, but who knows who is even reading this. Sorry if you are not enjoying hearing that…it was fun. So there. I feel like I’ve done a lot in the past week but it mainly consisted of laying in bed watching One Tree Hill on Netflix. Which sounds like the perfect summer break to me. Oh, I saw a couple movies, too. The Hunger Games…again. And the Avengers, which was amazing. I completely recommend it. Both of those movies actually.
            I guess the reason I decided to write finally, tonight, is because this was probably the best day of my entire life (I may be exaggerating a tad, but that is besides the point). And some people reading this may know why. But it was. It has definitely been awhile since one little thing made me that happy, but then it must be true that it's the little things in life that count, right? Anyways, tomorrow I get to cheer that person on, so thanks to you, I'll be pretty happy once again. 
            Unfortunately for me, I have to wake up super early, and it is already 3:15. But that’s okay. You only live once, right? I do not know who came up with that saying, although true, just sounds ridiculous. Like was there a person who thought that they lived more than once? Sure, I guess you could go into the idea of reincarnation, but that is kind of a stretch. Then there are cats…they apparently have nine lives. So YOLO doesn’t quite work for them, now does it? But really YOLO just seems to apply to everything nowadays. “I should do my homework but hey, you only live once”. “I should not be doing this ‘insert bad drug here’ right now but hey, you only live once.” Either way, I guess it’s fun to say and make fun of right? That seems to be the trend of today. If something is stupid and everyone knows it, just use it more. Like the “Duck Face” that girls make in pictures. We have established that it is stupid, so let’s all post pictures using the duck face and then caption the picture of how stupid it is to use the duck face. People these days…staying up till 3 in the morning, waking up at 8. Just outrageous. So I should probably go to sleep.
            I don’t want to go to sleep because this was an amazing night, but I have to. So here I go. Nighty night y’all. Even though anyone reading this is probably reading it after waking up. So in that case, good morning/afternoon. J  I'll write more soon.

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