Sunday, May 27, 2012

Adrenaline is Contagious, Hiccups are Not

            Okay y’all, it’s about to get serious up in here. I wanted to talk about the greatness of life talks with good friends. And those life talks are the reason I am up at this ungodly hour typing away. It is so nice to hear that other people share the same weird thoughts as you do. Sometimes you get selfish and think that you are the only person in this world and the only person that could be thinking these thoughts inside of your head. But when you open up to other people, that’s when you can truly realize that you are not alone. Sure, we don’t all agree on these thoughts. But at least you know that someone else is thinking them.
            So tonight, laying out under “the stars” a.k.a. Drew’s lighted ceiling, having our life talks was much needed. Oh, and Jack Johnson Pandora station…bomb for a deep talk under the stars kind of night. But our deep talk also brought to realization how crazy and difficult love can be and how many crazy and weird and truly psycho people there are out there in the world. Therefore, what I came out of our talk with is, I hope to fall in love and find the person I want to be with for the rest of my life someday, and I hope I encounter the least amount of crazy people in this world as possible. (But everyone's crazy in some way so...).
            Actually I learned a lot more than that. But to sum it up, that’s about it. And because of that conversation, I will probably be sleeping until at least noon tomorrow. Considering I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night and I’m running on pure nothingness right now. I don’t honestly know how I am awake right now. I will probably read this tomorrow and be like, oh my, but that’s okay.
            Also, I think tonight I found out that adrenaline is contagious and hiccups are not. I hate the hiccups. They are easily one of the most annoying bodily reactions ever. Right under when there are people who have to sneeze not once, not twice, but ten times in a row, EVERY time (aka my mom). Oh, and about the adrenaline. I think it is contagious. There was a “situation” tonight, and it really only involved a few people, but even me, uninvolved and completely tired out of my mind, it affected me immediately. Sometimes, you can get so mad at someone that you just want to punch them in the face, I can get that way occasionally. But I, personally don’t know if I would ever actually be able to do so. I hate seeing people hurt, even if they deserve it. There’s just something in me that always feels the need to comfort someone in pain.
            Like the other day at work, there was this guy, he seemed really nice and friendly, and he came in and waited in our entryway area for his date. I offered to get him a table or a drink but he said he just wanted to wait. And wait he did. He sat there staring out the window for the date that would not come. He asked to use our phone to give them a call, I didn’t hear how the conversation went, but he still waited. I felt so awful. I really hope that person had a good reason for standing him up. Just the look on his face. Poor guy. I hate seeing people upset or hurt or in pain. Not just physically, but definitely that. That’s why I could never be a doctor or a veterinarian. Oh gosh its even worse with animals. But I hate being helpless to helping someone. There is nothing I could have done in that situation to make that guy feel better. And then there is the physically hurting people that drives me insane. How people can hurt another person, especially someone who is innocent, but even those who may “deserve” it. I’m not saying I’ve never hurt anyone. I know I have. And it is an awful feeling. I wish people, myself included, could just be a little more compassionate and respectful to one another. I know I’ve written about this before and it’s me going into my hippie-mode. But I can’t help it. Oh gosh, I’m just thinking about if I have kids one day I’m going to be one of those moms who tries to protect their kids from ever getting hurt by anything or anyone. Yikes. But what can ya do? It is what it is as I have been told. And now that I’ve given my philosophy on life, I am going to go to bed and hopefully not have nightmares.
            But my kitty cat is looking in random corners of my room with big bug eyes making me feel like there is something there that I can’t see. Oh great. Looks like I’m not sleeping tonight. I’ll stop typing though before I start to ramble anymore. Night y’all. Or, I guess good morning. Hopefully I’ll sleep…

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