Thursday, March 29, 2012

Weekend and Weekends to Come

            Friday is finally here. Not that this week was really even that long, I just tend to enjoy the weekends more than the weekdays. Although, this weekend I wont get much downtime, similar to last weekend. Still, it means no school work for a day or two. I need to start studying for my anthropology test, though. So I will have to get started on that. But I get to go home and see my family, not that it has been very long, but it’s still nice! I will probably be going home next weekend too, but one of my favorite people in the world will be there so I need to see her! So it will be worth going home two weekends in a row. I will be looking forward to that visit. I haven’t seen my cousin Tara for a long time now, since the football game she came to I think. She, along with her husband Jason and adorable little…well actually big kids now, Brendan, Rylee, and Will, were the family I lived with for a year when I moved to Montana. Quite possibly one of the best years of my life. I know that I was definitely a pain in the butt sometimes but I think I learned more in that year than I’ve ever learned in many ways. I am very thankful for them and for having them in my life. So, needless to say, I can’t wait to see them. Well actually I think I’ll just be seeing Tara. But I’m very excited.
            That following weekend is Mom’s weekend so my mommy, and my aunt Tere are coming to see what the Pullman life is like. Not exactly sure what that entails yet…but it’s Pullman! So it will undoubtedly be entertaining. Perhaps expose them to the “frat life”? They are sure in for a treat.
            Well, I have my 8 am lab…joy. So I’m thinkin’ I’ll be off to bed now. Enjoy your Friday and your weekend, everyone. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baseball Season

            Happy Hump Day! Middle of the week. Well, since I’m done with my stuff to do today, I pretty much consider today over. I need a new book to read. I need to get my mind off of the Hunger Games. I want another series to read. I like them better because they last longer. Or maybe a new t.v. show, because I finally finished mine. I just need something to take up my down time. I don’t like not having anything to do. I like to keep my mind busy. Books are obviously better, but I wouldn’t mind a good, drama-filled television show. I just need something to do outside of school!
            Also, aside from book reading and tv watching, I want something new. Something adventurous. Just something different and exciting! I’m sure, for that, I’ll have to wait until school is over. But its going to happen. I know it. I’m going to make it happen. Speaking of summer, it’s coming close, and I’m still wanting to get another tattoo. So I really need to get on what and where I want it to be. I only have a few weeks left. I feel like there should be still two months until summer, but there are like five weeks! Ah!!
            Well I’m excited because this weekend I get to go home and HOPEFULLY watch the ferris boys play baseball since both games got cancelled over spring break. We’ll see how the weather ends up! It’s baseball season everyone! Woo hoo! Who doesn’t love the American pastime?! I know I do. Although, staying up to watch the game at 5 in the morning, or like tonight, 2 in the morning just isn't going to work for me. I'll have to catch the highlights later because I am not that crazy. I can't handle staying up that late on school nights. We'll see how those Mariners do this year. I'm still rootin' for them. Let the baseball season begin!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Literally Shaking My Head

            So I just read a blog that someone posted on Facebook and I am seriously fuming with anger right now. The blog was about the casting of the Hunger Games. I know what you’re thinking…”enough about the Hunger Games, Sydney”. But this is no ordinary topic. Yes I obviously love the movie, but I am really pissed about this news I’ve come across. Apparently a bunch of people are disappointed and hated the movie because they cast the characters Rue, Thresh and Cinna as black actors. Seriously?! Seriously. We are in the (excuse my language) fucking 21st century people. I thought we were over this. Okay, I guess I know that some people are still really racist, but I’m so used to my own opinions that I sometimes forget how racist people really are. Why in the world does it matter what color someone’s skin is?? From an anthropological view, having darker skin is a good thing because people had darker skin a long time ago because most of the population lived in tropical areas where they needed protection from the sun and darker skin protected. People only started becoming lighter skinned later in life when more people migrated to cooler climates and now people in cooler climates have lighter skin so that they can absorb more vitamin D from the sun. I cannot fathom how one can be so racist towards anyone. Or sexiest. Or hate someone because of what religion they practice.
            I know people joke about racisms and what not all the time, and I’ll admit I laugh at some things, but it’s only because I am completely comfortable in what my opinion of others is, and that is that it doesn’t matter what you look like, where you come from, or any other attribute of someone. I am not saying that I am completely free of judgment, because that would be a lie. We all judge other people in our minds. But I don’t judge people by the color of their skin, or really by anything that they cannot control.
            It really just makes me so sad. Not to mention I loved the movie. I loved it so much. It was amazing. And ALL of the characters did amazing work. If you only knew the things people are saying. Some tweets included, “why does rue have to be black not gonna lie that kinda ruined the movie” and “why did the producers make all the good characters black smh” and this one is terrible “ Kk call me racist but when I found out rue was black her death wasn’t as sad”. And those aren’t even the worst of them. It really makes me ashamed to be in any way apart of this generation if that is what people are still thinking in their minds. It’s so frustrating when you know you’re right, but you can’t make other people see what is the right thing. It makes me feel helpless, disappointed, and angry toward these people. Towards anyone who thinks that they are better than someone else, especially because of skin color, gender, religion, or economic status. It just goes to show how much we, as a country, and we as the human race still need to grow and learn. We have come along way, I know. I just think that we could be so much further than this. We are better than that. Well we should be anyways.
            I don’t know what else to say. I’m just shocked, hurt, and surprised. I’m not naïve, I know there are people out there who are still racist. I still just can’t understand why, and I never will. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Time Flies

            I cannot believe it. A little more than a month and I will be done with my first year of college. That doesn’t even seem real. I feel like a completely different person than I was a year ago. But I’m not, I’ve just added a bunch of experiences to my life that I never had before. And I know there are a ton more to come! It really has been a wonderful year so far. I love it here. Yeah…the weather isn’t always the greatest. But I would probably complain about something else if I was somewhere else. I still want to study abroad somewhere my junior year, though, get some of that type of experience.
            However, as much as I love it here in Pullman, I am so completely excited for summer to be here. I’ll be needing a job for sure, but that will get me some experience, and money! I can’t wait to hang with all of my friends, go camping, go swimming, be outdoors all the time! I am just so excited for it. I cant wait for it to be warm and pretty out. I’ll just want to be outdoors all the time! It will be really nice. I guess I am just thinking about it a lot because of how nice it was today. I went outside in shorts and a t-shirt and I was completely comfortable. I loved it! But then it was ruined because I looked at the weather for the week and it’s supposed to rain all week L but I guess that is better than snow. It’s not that I don’t like the snow, I am just ready for spring and summer! And warm weather! To actually stay! But this is Washington state so I’m not going to get my hopes up.
            This upcoming week shouldn’t be as stressful as last week, thankfully. I just have a speech and my classes to go to. So that will be nice! Looking forward to a good week. Just gotta stay positive! 

Saturday, March 24, 2012


            Alright my blogging skills have really been lacking as of late, so I apologize for that. But this last week was literally the busiest one I’ve had yet. Next week will be better, though. But I mean that in a way regarding homework and studying. Because no week could be better than this week. You know why? Because I finally got TO SEE THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!
            AHHHHHHH. Is all I have to say. I don’t care about those who say that it wasn’t very good or it wasn’t what the expected or that it doesn’t compare to the book. Well I couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks. Of course it couldn’t compare to the book, because you cant freaking get all of those details into a 2 and a half hour movie. Although, personally, if they made it a ten hour movie, that would suit me just fine. I mean obviously the movie wasn’t perfect. No director can get exactly what each person is picturing in their mind as they read the story into a movie. One concern I did have with it though, I know the character Cato is supposed to be good looking, but you’re also supposed to hate him. But how in the world am I supposed to hate someone who looks so hot in the movie? Also, I think I need to see the movie another ten times. Or twenty. Or more. I just loved it. LOVED it. So if you’re wondering if I recommend that you see it…well hopefully you could guess the answer to that.
            The only, and I mean only downside to going to see it last night is that we drove to Spokane to see the movie in IMAX but our movie wasn’t until 10:15 so we didn’t end up getting back until 2:30 am and after washing my face and brushing my teeth and what not, it wasn’t until a little after 3 that I finally fell asleep. And on top of that, I had to get up at like 9:30 to go to this psychology training thing. Well my professor called it a training but I don’t really know how to explain what it was exactly. We just talked about domestic/partner/ and sexual violence and how to prevent it and look out for it and what not. Its called Green Dot something. Entailing that “red dots” would be those who are violators and if you’re a green dot you are preventing it or trying to stop it or intervene. It was actually really interesting, just a long day and I was tired the whole time. But if anyone is interested in learning about it I’m sure they have more information online about it.
            And now, even though I am sick and running on little sleep, I am going to attempt this date dash thing with my friend Nick. We’ll see how this turns out… And just my luck, the notebook comes on right when I have to leave. How upsetting. I guess I can watch it anytime but for some reason I love watching it when its on tv because it seems more spontaneous. Such a great movie. If you haven’t seen it I am concerned for your health because it is one of the best romance movies EVER. So if you’re bored, it’s on television tonight!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Short and Sweet

Well today was positively boring. I woke up…barely, went to my lab, came back, studied a little, took a nap, went back to class, came back and studied some more. So I’ve given up studying for the night. I’m sick of reading about biology. My brain is taking in too much right now. Biology, plus I’m watching the discovery channel so that is just more information, but there’s animals in it so I actually really enjoy watching it. I got to watch baby wolves roll around with each other. Adorable.
            Well I don’t have a lot to say because I’m trying to limit my internet time this week so that I can get what I need to get done. So in the absence of my words, here’s a funny picture to look at. Hope you’re having a great week!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Long Week Ahead

            I’m going to talk about this mysterious “A” in this blog so if you have yet to watch it then don’t read this!
            But first of all, spring break was very fun. I am not a fan of being back here, though. Mostly because of the food. Also, because I am already sick of doing work. I have two tests to study for, an essay to write on a book that I have yet to read, and I have to research for a speech that I have to have written and performed by next Wednesday. Oh and a weekly quiz. Damn. So this week will be really busy and probably stressful. I’ll get through it, though, right? I mean I have to. Look what I have to look forward to on Friday! Of course I have to make it through the week. But I’m trying not to think of the thing that I’m looking forward to at the end of this week because it will be far too distracting. Obviously, it’s on my mind, but the less I talk about it the less distracted I get. That’s another reason why I won’t let myself read the other two books again yet. Even though I really, really want to. However, I get to read this wonderfully exciting book called Discover Biology. It’s a page-turner, believe me. Can’t get enough of it.
            And I did get enough of it, considering I stopped reading it at 5 and its now almost 11. Hey, I tried. I actually like my biology class, I just don’t like to read the book because I come across one word that I don’t know and then I just space out after that. I’ll work on it.
            Pretty Little Liars… you are KILLING me. What the heck was up with that episode? Half of the episode I didn’t know what was going on at all. And as for finding out who “A” was…well so much for that. “A”  is just a puppet to someone else! Jeez. But I wasn’t expecting it to be Mona. Oh well. Still love the show. And as far as shows go, well The Voice is starting to bug me. They never pick the people I want. And the bitchy girl that I don’t like got picked today and Blake said how hot she was. -__- Okay, I’ll admit I’m a tad bit jealous. She is so full of herself, though. I guess I better try to get to sleep since I have lab in the morning and a lot of studying to do tomorrow!
            Nighty night. 

Long Week Ahead

            I’m going to talk about this mysterious “A” in this blog so if you have yet to watch it then don’t read this!
            But first of all, spring break was very fun. I am not a fan of being back here, though. Mostly because of the food. Also, because I am already sick of doing work. I have two tests to study for, an essay to write on a book that I have yet to read, and I have to research for a speech that I have to have written and performed by next Wednesday. Oh and a weekly quiz. Damn. So this week will be really busy and probably stressful. I’ll get through it, though, right? I mean I have to. Look what I have to look forward to on Friday! Of course I have to make it through the week. But I’m trying not to think of the thing that I’m looking forward to at the end of this week because it will be far too distracting. Obviously, it’s on my mind, but the less I talk about it the less distracted I get. That’s another reason why I won’t let myself read the other two books again yet. Even though I really, really want to. However, I get to read this wonderfully exciting book called Discover Biology. It’s a page-turner, believe me. Can’t get enough of it.
            And I did get enough of it, considering I stopped reading it at 5 and its now almost 11. Hey, I tried. I actually like my biology class, I just don’t like to read the book because I come across one word that I don’t know and then I just space out after that. I’ll work on it.
            Pretty Little Liars… you are KILLING me. What the heck was up with that episode? Half of the episode I didn’t know what was going on at all. And as for finding out who “A” was…well so much for that. “A”  is just a puppet to someone else! Jeez. But I wasn’t expecting it to be Mona. Oh well. Still love the show. And as far as shows go, well The Voice is starting to bug me. They never pick the people I want. And the bitchy girl that I don’t like got picked today and Blake said how hot she was. -__- Okay, I’ll admit I’m a tad bit jealous. She is so full of herself, though. I guess I better try to get to sleep since I have lab in the morning and a lot of studying to do tomorrow!
            Nighty night. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Back to Pullman

            Wow. Spring break is already over. I cannot believe that. I really don’t feel like I have been home for a week. It’s weird going from school to home and back. I feel like I live two different lives, which I kind of do. It’s just an odd feeling. It was a wonderful spring break, though. It seems like I didn’t do very much, but looking back, I really did a lot. I don’t know that I got anything accomplished per se, but still I did a lot. And I ended it with a bang. Thursday night and Friday night I spent with a big group of friends doing what we do best. And I won a lot of pong games. And then last night I spent it in Cheney with Maggie. We just went party hopping. I figured I shouldn’t spend my last night, and St. Patrick’s day at home watching television. So, I made myself go out. It was a blast. Plus, I think I saw more cops in one small area than I have ever seen before. Not to mention a fire truck and I heard there was an ambulance, but I didn’t see it. And then, to top of the night, Maggie, Riley, and I made a makeshift bed out of a couch, a footrest thing, a comfy chair, and two wooden chairs. Seriously the worst idea ever. I think I slept a total of like 2 hours. Partially because Maggie and I could not stop laughing. We had the T.J.’s (and if you don’t know what those are you should be ashamed). We kept laughing at each other’s laugh, and then when it got silent, one of us would laugh again. And of course Grant and Jordan in the other room would make weird noises or talk so then we would start laughing again. I don’t even know how long that went on for, but I know that we all didn’t get to sleep till after 3:30. Me, however, I fell asleep for like a half hour, maybe. Then Riley awkwardly changed sleeping positions which made me end up having my head and shoulders on the couch and my feet on the wooden chair…with nothing under me in between. So eventually I rolled on to the floor, curled up in the fetal position because I was freezing, and tried to sleep. At some point Maggie threw a blanket on me. But the boys woke up at like 8 something so I really only got possibly two hours of sleep. I don’t even know how I am functioning right now. I am about to take a nap.
            But before I do, can I just say that: THERE ARE ONLY FIVE FREAKING DAYS UNTIL THE HUNGER GAMES COMES OUT!!!!! I have an essay, two tests to study for, and I think I may have a speech, and who knows what else to do this week. I seriously don’t know how I am going to function this week. All I can think about is the Hunger Games. It’s killing me. I want to see it so badly!! And what’s worse is that I’m not seeing it at midnight on Thursday because we wanted to see it in IMAX, so I literally have to wait 24 hours after a ton of people have seen it before I get to see it. No Facebook, twitter, or any interactions with people basically for that entire Friday. So if you see me and I ignore you, you now know why. I CAN’T WAIT!!!! You should also expect a very, extremely long blog that day after I watch the movie. And probably one before. And this week all my blogs will probably have something about the Hunger Games in it so if it annoys you: get over it.
            Okay, it’s been a long week and I think I have a lot to do tonight. So I’m going to go nap now. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jump, Wendy. Jump!

            Well today will be one heck of a memorable day. Okay, the rain made it so I couldn’t watch a good baseball game, but I think I enjoyed myself just enough anyways. Despite my staying up till 2 watching 90210, I woke up fairly early compared to the past couple days: 9 am versus noon! So that in itself was an accomplishment for me. My break started off so well, going to bed at like ten, and waking up at like 8. Although, I was mad because I didn’t work out today. I think I eventually got that work out in, though.
            First of all, I watched the movie Contagion. If that doesn’t make you OCD about washing your hands all the time, then I don’t know what will. I still want to go see the movie Wanderlust, and there was another one I wanted to see, oh yeah, 21 Jump Street. Channing Tatum= sexy. Jonah Hill=hilarious. Plus, I’ve heard good things on Facebook about it, even though I thought it wasn’t supposed to come out till tomorrow?...perhaps I was wrong on thinking that.
            Now I know that the Apple Cup was some time ago now, but I still owed my end of the bet that I lost on it. Cougs, you let me down…and also let me humiliate myself. Actually it wasn’t that bad. The bet was against my friend, Ben, who goes to UW, which also, I noticed a lot of people got accepted there today so congrats. Anyways, the bet was that whoever lost the game, they had to dress up in Ben’s Wendy costume and go into Wendy’s. I added that we ask if we can get free food. So, I got into this Wendy costume, which was ridiculously short on me, just…I don’t even know how Ben and Stuart both wore it for Halloween. It really wasn’t that humiliating since only three or four people were eating at Wendy’s. The girl at the counter was a little slow, though, and wasn’t picking up on why I was asking if I could get my food for free. But then I think she finally got it. She didn’t give me free food, however, she did give me a discount! So there’s that. I finally fulfilled my end of the bet, so now I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders…I guess?
            As I was sitting in the kitchen today, I was staring out the window looking at the incredible amount of rain that was falling. I had a flashback of past puddle jumping moments and I had the sudden urge to go out in the rain. Of course, I would look ridiculous just running outside in the rain, the neighbors might think I was crazy, not that I care. I am crazy. I decided to make a Facebook post anyway. And then Maggie came to my rescue saying she wanted to join me in my puddle jumping! Yay! So, we got on our rain boots, and I drove us to the most puddle-y place that I could think of: the road right behind the south complex. Oh my was that the perfect place. There was practically a pond there by the time we got there. What a work out that was! We literally jumped through every puddle in our paths. Splishing and splashing all over the place. I was soaked from head to toe. It was so rejuvenating. To think, a time when no one else dares to go outdoors unless they have to, and there we were, running freely. It really was a blast. And then we went and got “hot chocolate”. Meaning, Maggie got hot chocolate, but I was overheating so I got ice cream. SO. Much. Fun. Seriously.
            And then, to end it all: when I dropped her off, we saw this adorable old couple going out to take a walk in the rain with an umbrella and I swear it was the sweetest thing ever. I hope I’m up for going walking out in the rain at that age. Sure, it’s no puddle jumping, but who knows, maybe they did go jump through puddles. Either way, I really enjoyed seeing that.
            So, so far it has been a wonderful today. Hopefully I’ll actually get to see a good baseball game tomorrow, but based on this weather, it’s not looking promising. Maybe I’ll just have to go puddle jumping again. You in? 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break? a.k.a. Rain.Every.Day.

         Okay I have been terrible this spring break about writing blogs. Which it should be the opposite since I’m not doing anything. I should be putting out like three a day at the rate of my doing nothing. But I’m actually not doing nothing, I’ve been working out, I am on my second book, and I’ve been watching…far too much television. I can’t really call it television, though, because the only real television I have watched is Pretty Little Liars and the Ellen Show. I’ve just been watching episodes of 90210 on Netflix on my laptop. I am not what you would call obsessed, because I would only use that word for things like say Taylor Swift or The Hunger Games of course. It’s more that I just need to know what happens, ya know? The fact that I have all three seasons at my availability to watch, how can I not see what happens next? So I’ve been doing a lot of that. I also have finally gotten out seeing some friends. I saw a group of friends the other night and we went hot tubing and played games. Last night I got to hang out with two of my roomies, Rachel and Johnny and then a few other people, Ben (the husky, ew), just kidding, Isaac, Tim, Nate, and Denis. Fun stuff, got to see some people I haven’t seen for awhile. Not to mention, I’m thinking about stealing Johnny’s newly acquired hammock that now sits in his basement and is utterly enjoyable and everyone should have one in their house.
            Now I don’t know who else is, but I am so freaking excited to watch Ferris baseball. I miss it so much. Being their manager was seriously the best decision ever. I know the team isn’t the same this year without my grade there, but still, there are some great people on that team. I wish I could be the manager again. I just hope the game doesn’t get rained out tomorrow or else I’m going to have about 40 chocolate chip cookies to eat…and I really don’t think I need that. Because chances are, I’d find a way to eat them all. Okay, not that many. But I would eat too many. And another thing I was thinking about is team dinners! I miss that so much. Always a little awkward, but also always very entertaining. So go Ferris baseball!
            I am now reading a new book, I’ve been reading for about two and a half hours and I’m almost halfway done. It’s really good. The type of book that makes you ponder life. It is called The Gift by Richard Paul Evans. So if you’re looking for a quick, really good read, then I suggest this. My friend Kristi brought it for me to read, we both love books, and so far I am really intrigued by it and am anxious to find out what happens! I finished Water for Elephants last night. Very, very good book. I recommend it. I went to Albertsons today to look in Redbox to see if they had the movie, both of their machines were absent of it, unfortunately. I’ll see it eventually! So speaking of books, I’m going to disappear off of the internet again and go into my own world of books, I’ve only actually been on Facebook once this week, other than posting my blogs. It’s extremely nice.
            Hope you’re having a great week, I know I am! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


            Well I actually got myself out of the house today. Took kiddos to school and then I had a fabulous dinner and dessert with my aunt Gerry and my mommy and then we watched the Voice. I was like 0 for however many people there were on the voice tonight, the judges just did not want my picks. Actually no, I got one right!
            Once again I’m up in the late hours of night writing my blog. It’s been awhile since I’ve stayed up this late writing! So I was with some friends tonight, and they decided they wanted to do something, they had no suggestions, so I offered up the idea of leapfrog. The only idea on the table and everyone kept turning it down. I’ll admit I was a tad bit disappointed. I mean I don’t think I have actually ever played it, but hey, there’s a first time for everything! We did play a few games, though. Good ol’ truth or dare. Gotta love that game eh? Learned some very interesting things. And watched some even more interesting things! The rain was killing me, though. We went hot tubing and I made a makeshift umbrella out of cardboard…that didn’t work out too well. I know one person who had a blast tonight! More than any of the rest of us! She knows who she is ;) Unfortunately for her, she is still in school right now (Eastern), so while most of us get to sleep in…she has to wake up early and go to class. Poor mags. Actually Shelly has to wake up early too, so lucky me I guess. I love sleeping in.
            So what’s in store for the rest of the week? Some job hunting definitely. Might go see a movie with the fam, will probably hang out with more friends. Two Ferris baseball games…I think. At least one. And for that, I must bake some cupcakes or some type of treat. Have to remember to do one assignment for Com class. Let’s see, what else? I feel like I’m missing something but I’ll think of it later. I’m a teensy bit tired right now, so that’s probably the issue. So I think it’s time to get some rest. Night y’all.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


           Seriously, I have better sleeping habits on my spring break than I ever do when I’m at school. The past two nights I’ve fallen asleep at like 9:30 or 10 and then wake up at 8. It is so weird. Although, I do enjoy it. It feels normal. And I get a lot more out of my days. Not that I’ve really been doing anything. The main reason I hadn’t blogged is because usually I do it so late at night, and I expect that I will do it, but then I don’t even make it past 10. It’s weird.
            Also, I don’t really have much to offer for my blogs. All I’ve been doing is reading my book and watching 90210. Literally that, eating, sleeping, and other necessities is all I’ve been doing. I’ll admit, it’s nice. Well, I did get out and went for a hike with my uncle’s dog, Meisha, yesterday. That was nice to be outside and get some fresh air. Plus it was nice out, not sunny, but just a cool breeze. It felt like spring. And then today…I don’t know how many different types of precipitation and weather we had today, but it was a little odd. Kinda cool though. There was some thunder there for a few minutes, if that. Good ol’ Spokane. I’d like to be somewhere warm right now, but since I’m not, I’ve gotta get a lot of stuff done while I’m here. MAYBE I’ll get to see some friends this break. I could have gone out the past two nights, but I have just been so hooked on reading and watching my show, and in Pullman I would fall dreadfully behind on my schoolwork if I did this, that I’m just enjoying it while I can. Plus I get enough of going out down in Pullman. I need a break. I’ve just been in my own little world lately, I rarely get on Facebook or twitter, try really hard not to text people back, so if you text me…I apologize if I don’t respond, and basically just trying to avoid all contact with the outside world. Actually, avoid is the wrong word, I’m just enjoying the absence of it. It’s like when I go camping, I just use that as my excuse to not have to use my phone or talk to anyone who isn’t immediately in my life at that particular moment. Not that I need an excuse, but it’s just nice to have one.
            So, I’m going to go back to my little world now, at least for one more night. Tomorrow I have some errands to run, and people to see, and I need to work out. I feel lazy. So I’ll get on that. Nighty night. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Toast

            Okay so it’s my first night of spring break. I didn’t manage to watch any Harry Potter movies yet, but I did manage to watch the movie Winter’s Bone (with Jennifer Lawrence in it and if you don’t know who she is you should be ashamed), and I watched like ten episodes of 90210. I should say re-watched because I’ve seen the first two seasons already. So, you could say a very productive break so far. I should go to bed soon because I need to wake up at like 7:30 but I think I may need to watch just one more episode…or three. We shall see.
            And may I add…I know why I love school so much now and why I prefer it over coming home, because my parents drive me crazy and it's really nice to fall asleep to the sound of them yelling. So I’ll just leave it at that. Welcome home, Sydney. Yay! At least I don’t need to worry about school work at the moment…hah. I’m looking forward to spending some quality time with my friends. It will be very nice.
            So a toast: To the first night of Spring Break 2012. Cheers.

Friday, March 9, 2012

About Damn Time

            YAY!! Spring break is finally here! It has been a long, extremely busy few weeks. And even though I know there is still more to come after break, its still nice to have a whole week off to not do anything. Although I wish I was going somewhere warm, I’m fine not having to do anything for a week. My plan for the week is to: look for jobs for the summer, read a book (or three), and watch all of the Harry Potter movies which I still have yet to see. I have only seen the first four…and part of the fifth, so I think it’s about time that I watch them all. I’ve always wanted to so now would be a great time. Eventually…like in my lifetime eventually, I’ll read the books, but not quite yet. I will get around to them, though.
            Also, it’s one of my roomies birthdays…like TODAY and I love her so much so we will definitely be celebrating her birthday. Rachel, a.k.a. the sexy red headed crimson girl/shock girl will have a wild time with our friends and me. Plus, we’re going to have to celebrate again when we get back to Pullman so that our other roomy, Will, can celebrate too! Crazy times to look forward to!
            And another thing, actually two things: I need to get a lot of sleep over break, and I need to work out a lot as well. So I have quite a few things on my to do list for spring break, but I guess that’s what it’s for! I’m looking forward to it! I have two classes tomorrow morning, which I don’t really have to go to, but since I’m going to be here anyways, I figured, why not? Might as well gain a little extra knowledge. Although I have a feeling that most people will not be in either of those classes, and then my other two classes for the day are cancelled! Thank you gened and biology teachers, love you guys.
            I was supposed to finally go hot tubing tonight with the roomies, but Rachel couldn’t go because she had to study for a test, and so Will and I walked all the way to the rec to meet up with Johnny, only to get there, come back and not go hot tubing. A little disappointing, but hey, it’s spring break now, how upset can I be?!
            WOOOO SPRING BREAK! Oh, I forgot, I also get to watch my favorite people in the whole wide world play baseball again this spring break! Unfortunately I don’t get to be their manager again, but I’m still going to bake them some treats and cheer them on! Hats off to a relaxing, enjoyable spring break J

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Take a Leap of Faith?

            So today I spent 6 hours writing and practicing my speech over and over and when I finally got it down, drew on my kitty whiskers and nose, stupid WSU internet decides not to work. I spent another hour trying to make the video but the internet connection was too slow. If they expect me to post speech videos on the internet, they need to get freaking internet that works well. Preferably all the time, since the majority of the stuff I do for school involves the internet. That’s all I have to say about that.
            I need to go outside more often. I just feel like all I ever do is sit in my room and do homework or am on the internet (if it’s working, that is), or I’m walking to a class. But I just feel like I’m always in the same places. I need to take some walks around the city of Pullman or something. I’m feeling claustrophobic. Just in this town in general. I need to get out and go explore places. Deserted islands, or tropical rainforests. Just something unexplored or interesting. I’m getting a wee bit tired of the same old routines day after day. Yes, I’m learning new things each day, but I can’t do anything with this knowledge if I’m just stuck here in Pullman! Ah! I just need to be somewhere else, to go somewhere. And no, Spokane is not far enough for me. The west side of Washington is also not far enough for me. Antarctica does not feel far enough for me, although that would be plenty. Even the people I watch on television, they are in different places doing different things, but to me it just seems like they are doing the same old routines like everyone else. What fun is that? I’m reading the book, Water for Elephants, and this guy, the main character, just jumps on a random train…which happened to be a circus train, but just rides it there and then picks up working a job with the circus and traveling with them. I wish I could do something like that! Just on a whim, take a chance. And I know I could, I mean all I have to do is try. But I’m too afraid to take that big of a risk. I mean so many things could go wrong. But things could go right too. I feel like I’m just doing what I think I’m supposed to do right now, with school and all, but not what I want to be doing. Yeah, you should get a college education to get a good job, especially with this economy. But even the people with college educations aren’t getting jobs. So what? I come out of college with a piece of paper that says I’ve learned some things, loans to pay off, and no one hiring me? Unless I want to work at some dead end, fry-flipping job. Obviously that doesn’t always happen, but that’s just what I feel like could and might happen. I want to jump on a train, and go work at a traveling circus. That’s what I want to do. Maybe I will.
            No probably not. Well, I just might. Who knows. Gotta take a leap of faith at some point. Why not now? I need to get some sleep before I get too ahead of myself. Tomorrow I can take my leap. 

Monday, March 5, 2012


            Well another Monday come and gone. You know what that means…17 days until the Hunger Games! In case you were wondering. It rained here in Pullman, Washington today, and regardless of what people say, I like the rain. It’s just in a way refreshing. And the smell reminds me of being at the lake. I miss Priest Lake. I can’t wait to go back there this summer. I want to go hike, and float down the river, or attempt to, and watch my little cousins jump off of the pole into the water. Go for boat rides, go tubing, and lay on the beach. I just want summer!
            Ah well. I just need to grin and bare it through this week and then I get a week off. I’m just hoping that over spring break I don’t have homework so that I’m stressed out still. That’s what happened over Thanksgiving break: I had homework and the entire break it was just lurking in the back of my mind making me anxious. So if I had no homework, that would be nice. I guess that will mostly be up to me, too, because I know I have an essay due on the 23rd…a.k.a. the day the Hunger Games comes out, for gened that I could work on now. I’d like to say I’ll work on it over break, but we all know that won’t happen. So I just need to try to get that done this week…along with my other essay, my speech, and a test I have to take this week. Yikes! It’s okay, I’ll get through this week and then I’ll feel much better.
            So once again I’m watching the Voice. I know, productive use of my time. But Monday nights I always, ALWAYS have to watch Pretty Little Liars and The Voice. Okay, first of all, both Adam Levine and Blake Shelton are sooooo sexy, and funny, and I just want to marry one of them. Or both. However, I think that tonight Christina Aguilera made both terrible decisions on who she kept on her team. The one guy she chose was a bully and mean to the guy he was in the sing off with, and the other guy, Anthony sounded so much better. Anyways, I’m just disappointed now. However, that show always makes me wish I could sing. More than anything in the world. It would be the greatest talent ever. Especially just to sing for myself. I don’t care about singing for other people. I just want to be able to hear myself and actually sound decent! I mean as much as I love to hear myself sing…I could use a little help in that department. Oh well.
            Lab tomorrow, advising meeting, and dirty 230. Boo yah! Let’s do this Tuesday. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Favorite Thing

            I LOVE book shopping. I love it! It seemed a little odd to me today how I am so obsessed with The Hunger Games, but that I don’t even own all of the books. Unfortunately, the bookie only had the first and second, so I bought the second one, which, as long as I can make it last for this whole next week, I should be fine because I’ll buy the third when I go home. I have just been reading my roommate’s because she got all the books for Christmas I think. Anyways, I spent like an hour there just looking for new books to read. Nicholas Sparks had a new one out, but I’m not a huge fan of hardback books so I didn’t buy it. And I was really looking for the book, The Help, but they didn’t seem to have it and I was overwhelmed so I just purchased Catching Fire, and went to leave. But as I was leaving a section that I missed caught my eye. AH HA! A “Read these before you see the movie” section was there. Of course, they still didn’t have The Help, but I did happen to catch Water For Elephants, which I haven’t seen the movie yet either. Hopefully it’s good. I also looked for the book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower because I was told by a friend that it was really good, but no such luck on that find either. I shouldn’t be spending all of my money on books, but I can’t help it. It’s an addiction. I wanted to buy so many more, but I stopped myself. I almost bought The Lovely Bones, but I decided I’ll save that for later. If anyone has any good suggestions for books, please let me know.
While I’m talking about books, and since I love lists, I decided to make a list of SOME of my favorite books in no particular order. There are so many more that should be on here, and thousands upon thousands more that I need to read. But I am suggesting that everyone should read every single book on this list, multiple times.

Best Books Ever
·        The Hunger Games series (Obviously) by Suzanne Collins
·        Marley and Me by John Grogan
·        The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
·        Jars of Glass by Brad Barkley and Heather Hepler
·        Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
·        Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
·        1984 By George Orwell
·        To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
·        Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
·        The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer
·        Every book by Mitch Albom, especially For One More Day
·        Every Nicholas Sparks books
And there are so many more amazing books out there. I plan to read all of them.

Images thanks to Google Images :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012


            I want to go on the T.V. show “Wipeout”. I really wouldn’t care about winning, or even going on the show for that matter. I just really want to do one of the courses. They look…painfully fun. I think I would really have a blast on it. Although, someone told me they knew someone who tried out and they said the water is really, really cold. Which I wouldn’t necessarily be a fan of, but still, it would be fun to try. I think people make it look harder than it really is. Either that, or it’s actually harder than it looks.
            Well I know I was going to try to get a lot accomplished today when I had so much time with no class, but we all knew that wasn’t really going to happen. And it didn’t. Looks like I’m going to have a lot of homework to do this weekend, a.k.a. Sunday. Night. I’ll get around to it. I have to write an organized, five minute speech on the history of Halloween. My attractive, Welsh (with the accent) professor said he was excited to hear about it when he commented on my speech plan. ;) I’m over exaggerating his attractiveness. It’s really just the accent that gets me. He’s just average. Attractive for a professor, yes, but in general, just average. Anyways, I’m actually excited to give this speech. It should be interesting. I’m really glad only my classmates can see my speeches online, though. I’d be too embarrassed if I knew that anyone could see them. My last speech I had a nice southern accent. It was fabulous, y’all. I really hope there is enough information to cover five minutes. Yeah…five minutes isn’t long at all actually, so never mind. It’ll be fine. My main issue with the whole thing is that I just don’t want to plan out, research, and write the speech. You have to do it with the exact speech structure which is just tedious. Our last speech all we had to do was practice reading a manuscript and go for it. And in that one they were only listening to your voice, so in the screen you could be picking your nose, shaving your legs, or doing whatever you want and it didn’t matter. But this speech we have to research it, write it, practice it, and perform it through all aspects. I know that really isn’t that much, I’m just a lazy person. I shouldn’t complain though, because I really haven’t had very much homework lately. I’ll get around to it…
            Okay, I’m done pretending like this wasn’t the one thing that I wanted to talk about in my blog the whole time. The reason I’m writing my blog at 8:30 versus midnight tonight. I was sitting in my room an hour or so before my first and only class today and my roommate, Chanel, had just gotten back from her classes for the day. I was watching HGTV which I just love. The Property Brothers were on, my new favorite show. All of a sudden, with tears in her eyes, Chanel looks at me and says, “Oh my god have you seen the newest Hunger Games trailer??” Which of course I hadn’t. So she turns her computer towards me and unplugs her headphones and said, “I can’t watch it again, I don’t wanna cry”. As I sit there and watch the minute-long video, I too, had my eyes filling with tears. With the other trailers, I definitely get choked up easily when I watch them. But this one…there are no words. The background music to the trailer was Taylor Swift’s “Safe and Sound” song that is on the Hunger Games soundtrack. I am not only obsessed with the song, but I listen to it almost everyday. Multiple times a day, usually. The fact that they FINALLY combined both…was just too much for words. So I’ve watched it about 30 times now today. That, and they released a new scene from the movie. I hate that they do that, but I can’t help watch it anyways. I’m reading the books again and I’m trying to make them last till it comes out, but with spring break coming up, unless I find another book to capture my time, chances are I will finish them quicker than I want to. Sorry I talk so much about it, but I’m seriously obsessed. I can’t help it. If I could, I wouldn’t talk about it so much.
            So please just do me a favor, and watch this video. I know it wont make anyone cry like it made me, unless you’ve read them and are attached as I am. But still, this trailer is the best and the most emotional one so far. Thank you!