Sunday, March 11, 2012


           Seriously, I have better sleeping habits on my spring break than I ever do when I’m at school. The past two nights I’ve fallen asleep at like 9:30 or 10 and then wake up at 8. It is so weird. Although, I do enjoy it. It feels normal. And I get a lot more out of my days. Not that I’ve really been doing anything. The main reason I hadn’t blogged is because usually I do it so late at night, and I expect that I will do it, but then I don’t even make it past 10. It’s weird.
            Also, I don’t really have much to offer for my blogs. All I’ve been doing is reading my book and watching 90210. Literally that, eating, sleeping, and other necessities is all I’ve been doing. I’ll admit, it’s nice. Well, I did get out and went for a hike with my uncle’s dog, Meisha, yesterday. That was nice to be outside and get some fresh air. Plus it was nice out, not sunny, but just a cool breeze. It felt like spring. And then today…I don’t know how many different types of precipitation and weather we had today, but it was a little odd. Kinda cool though. There was some thunder there for a few minutes, if that. Good ol’ Spokane. I’d like to be somewhere warm right now, but since I’m not, I’ve gotta get a lot of stuff done while I’m here. MAYBE I’ll get to see some friends this break. I could have gone out the past two nights, but I have just been so hooked on reading and watching my show, and in Pullman I would fall dreadfully behind on my schoolwork if I did this, that I’m just enjoying it while I can. Plus I get enough of going out down in Pullman. I need a break. I’ve just been in my own little world lately, I rarely get on Facebook or twitter, try really hard not to text people back, so if you text me…I apologize if I don’t respond, and basically just trying to avoid all contact with the outside world. Actually, avoid is the wrong word, I’m just enjoying the absence of it. It’s like when I go camping, I just use that as my excuse to not have to use my phone or talk to anyone who isn’t immediately in my life at that particular moment. Not that I need an excuse, but it’s just nice to have one.
            So, I’m going to go back to my little world now, at least for one more night. Tomorrow I have some errands to run, and people to see, and I need to work out. I feel lazy. So I’ll get on that. Nighty night. 

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