Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jump, Wendy. Jump!

            Well today will be one heck of a memorable day. Okay, the rain made it so I couldn’t watch a good baseball game, but I think I enjoyed myself just enough anyways. Despite my staying up till 2 watching 90210, I woke up fairly early compared to the past couple days: 9 am versus noon! So that in itself was an accomplishment for me. My break started off so well, going to bed at like ten, and waking up at like 8. Although, I was mad because I didn’t work out today. I think I eventually got that work out in, though.
            First of all, I watched the movie Contagion. If that doesn’t make you OCD about washing your hands all the time, then I don’t know what will. I still want to go see the movie Wanderlust, and there was another one I wanted to see, oh yeah, 21 Jump Street. Channing Tatum= sexy. Jonah Hill=hilarious. Plus, I’ve heard good things on Facebook about it, even though I thought it wasn’t supposed to come out till tomorrow?...perhaps I was wrong on thinking that.
            Now I know that the Apple Cup was some time ago now, but I still owed my end of the bet that I lost on it. Cougs, you let me down…and also let me humiliate myself. Actually it wasn’t that bad. The bet was against my friend, Ben, who goes to UW, which also, I noticed a lot of people got accepted there today so congrats. Anyways, the bet was that whoever lost the game, they had to dress up in Ben’s Wendy costume and go into Wendy’s. I added that we ask if we can get free food. So, I got into this Wendy costume, which was ridiculously short on me, just…I don’t even know how Ben and Stuart both wore it for Halloween. It really wasn’t that humiliating since only three or four people were eating at Wendy’s. The girl at the counter was a little slow, though, and wasn’t picking up on why I was asking if I could get my food for free. But then I think she finally got it. She didn’t give me free food, however, she did give me a discount! So there’s that. I finally fulfilled my end of the bet, so now I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders…I guess?
            As I was sitting in the kitchen today, I was staring out the window looking at the incredible amount of rain that was falling. I had a flashback of past puddle jumping moments and I had the sudden urge to go out in the rain. Of course, I would look ridiculous just running outside in the rain, the neighbors might think I was crazy, not that I care. I am crazy. I decided to make a Facebook post anyway. And then Maggie came to my rescue saying she wanted to join me in my puddle jumping! Yay! So, we got on our rain boots, and I drove us to the most puddle-y place that I could think of: the road right behind the south complex. Oh my was that the perfect place. There was practically a pond there by the time we got there. What a work out that was! We literally jumped through every puddle in our paths. Splishing and splashing all over the place. I was soaked from head to toe. It was so rejuvenating. To think, a time when no one else dares to go outdoors unless they have to, and there we were, running freely. It really was a blast. And then we went and got “hot chocolate”. Meaning, Maggie got hot chocolate, but I was overheating so I got ice cream. SO. Much. Fun. Seriously.
            And then, to end it all: when I dropped her off, we saw this adorable old couple going out to take a walk in the rain with an umbrella and I swear it was the sweetest thing ever. I hope I’m up for going walking out in the rain at that age. Sure, it’s no puddle jumping, but who knows, maybe they did go jump through puddles. Either way, I really enjoyed seeing that.
            So, so far it has been a wonderful today. Hopefully I’ll actually get to see a good baseball game tomorrow, but based on this weather, it’s not looking promising. Maybe I’ll just have to go puddle jumping again. You in? 

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