Friday, March 9, 2012

About Damn Time

            YAY!! Spring break is finally here! It has been a long, extremely busy few weeks. And even though I know there is still more to come after break, its still nice to have a whole week off to not do anything. Although I wish I was going somewhere warm, I’m fine not having to do anything for a week. My plan for the week is to: look for jobs for the summer, read a book (or three), and watch all of the Harry Potter movies which I still have yet to see. I have only seen the first four…and part of the fifth, so I think it’s about time that I watch them all. I’ve always wanted to so now would be a great time. Eventually…like in my lifetime eventually, I’ll read the books, but not quite yet. I will get around to them, though.
            Also, it’s one of my roomies birthdays…like TODAY and I love her so much so we will definitely be celebrating her birthday. Rachel, a.k.a. the sexy red headed crimson girl/shock girl will have a wild time with our friends and me. Plus, we’re going to have to celebrate again when we get back to Pullman so that our other roomy, Will, can celebrate too! Crazy times to look forward to!
            And another thing, actually two things: I need to get a lot of sleep over break, and I need to work out a lot as well. So I have quite a few things on my to do list for spring break, but I guess that’s what it’s for! I’m looking forward to it! I have two classes tomorrow morning, which I don’t really have to go to, but since I’m going to be here anyways, I figured, why not? Might as well gain a little extra knowledge. Although I have a feeling that most people will not be in either of those classes, and then my other two classes for the day are cancelled! Thank you gened and biology teachers, love you guys.
            I was supposed to finally go hot tubing tonight with the roomies, but Rachel couldn’t go because she had to study for a test, and so Will and I walked all the way to the rec to meet up with Johnny, only to get there, come back and not go hot tubing. A little disappointing, but hey, it’s spring break now, how upset can I be?!
            WOOOO SPRING BREAK! Oh, I forgot, I also get to watch my favorite people in the whole wide world play baseball again this spring break! Unfortunately I don’t get to be their manager again, but I’m still going to bake them some treats and cheer them on! Hats off to a relaxing, enjoyable spring break J

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