Tuesday, March 13, 2012


            Well I actually got myself out of the house today. Took kiddos to school and then I had a fabulous dinner and dessert with my aunt Gerry and my mommy and then we watched the Voice. I was like 0 for however many people there were on the voice tonight, the judges just did not want my picks. Actually no, I got one right!
            Once again I’m up in the late hours of night writing my blog. It’s been awhile since I’ve stayed up this late writing! So I was with some friends tonight, and they decided they wanted to do something, they had no suggestions, so I offered up the idea of leapfrog. The only idea on the table and everyone kept turning it down. I’ll admit I was a tad bit disappointed. I mean I don’t think I have actually ever played it, but hey, there’s a first time for everything! We did play a few games, though. Good ol’ truth or dare. Gotta love that game eh? Learned some very interesting things. And watched some even more interesting things! The rain was killing me, though. We went hot tubing and I made a makeshift umbrella out of cardboard…that didn’t work out too well. I know one person who had a blast tonight! More than any of the rest of us! She knows who she is ;) Unfortunately for her, she is still in school right now (Eastern), so while most of us get to sleep in…she has to wake up early and go to class. Poor mags. Actually Shelly has to wake up early too, so lucky me I guess. I love sleeping in.
            So what’s in store for the rest of the week? Some job hunting definitely. Might go see a movie with the fam, will probably hang out with more friends. Two Ferris baseball games…I think. At least one. And for that, I must bake some cupcakes or some type of treat. Have to remember to do one assignment for Com class. Let’s see, what else? I feel like I’m missing something but I’ll think of it later. I’m a teensy bit tired right now, so that’s probably the issue. So I think it’s time to get some rest. Night y’all.

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