Saturday, March 24, 2012


            Alright my blogging skills have really been lacking as of late, so I apologize for that. But this last week was literally the busiest one I’ve had yet. Next week will be better, though. But I mean that in a way regarding homework and studying. Because no week could be better than this week. You know why? Because I finally got TO SEE THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!
            AHHHHHHH. Is all I have to say. I don’t care about those who say that it wasn’t very good or it wasn’t what the expected or that it doesn’t compare to the book. Well I couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks. Of course it couldn’t compare to the book, because you cant freaking get all of those details into a 2 and a half hour movie. Although, personally, if they made it a ten hour movie, that would suit me just fine. I mean obviously the movie wasn’t perfect. No director can get exactly what each person is picturing in their mind as they read the story into a movie. One concern I did have with it though, I know the character Cato is supposed to be good looking, but you’re also supposed to hate him. But how in the world am I supposed to hate someone who looks so hot in the movie? Also, I think I need to see the movie another ten times. Or twenty. Or more. I just loved it. LOVED it. So if you’re wondering if I recommend that you see it…well hopefully you could guess the answer to that.
            The only, and I mean only downside to going to see it last night is that we drove to Spokane to see the movie in IMAX but our movie wasn’t until 10:15 so we didn’t end up getting back until 2:30 am and after washing my face and brushing my teeth and what not, it wasn’t until a little after 3 that I finally fell asleep. And on top of that, I had to get up at like 9:30 to go to this psychology training thing. Well my professor called it a training but I don’t really know how to explain what it was exactly. We just talked about domestic/partner/ and sexual violence and how to prevent it and look out for it and what not. Its called Green Dot something. Entailing that “red dots” would be those who are violators and if you’re a green dot you are preventing it or trying to stop it or intervene. It was actually really interesting, just a long day and I was tired the whole time. But if anyone is interested in learning about it I’m sure they have more information online about it.
            And now, even though I am sick and running on little sleep, I am going to attempt this date dash thing with my friend Nick. We’ll see how this turns out… And just my luck, the notebook comes on right when I have to leave. How upsetting. I guess I can watch it anytime but for some reason I love watching it when its on tv because it seems more spontaneous. Such a great movie. If you haven’t seen it I am concerned for your health because it is one of the best romance movies EVER. So if you’re bored, it’s on television tonight!

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