Monday, March 26, 2012

Literally Shaking My Head

            So I just read a blog that someone posted on Facebook and I am seriously fuming with anger right now. The blog was about the casting of the Hunger Games. I know what you’re thinking…”enough about the Hunger Games, Sydney”. But this is no ordinary topic. Yes I obviously love the movie, but I am really pissed about this news I’ve come across. Apparently a bunch of people are disappointed and hated the movie because they cast the characters Rue, Thresh and Cinna as black actors. Seriously?! Seriously. We are in the (excuse my language) fucking 21st century people. I thought we were over this. Okay, I guess I know that some people are still really racist, but I’m so used to my own opinions that I sometimes forget how racist people really are. Why in the world does it matter what color someone’s skin is?? From an anthropological view, having darker skin is a good thing because people had darker skin a long time ago because most of the population lived in tropical areas where they needed protection from the sun and darker skin protected. People only started becoming lighter skinned later in life when more people migrated to cooler climates and now people in cooler climates have lighter skin so that they can absorb more vitamin D from the sun. I cannot fathom how one can be so racist towards anyone. Or sexiest. Or hate someone because of what religion they practice.
            I know people joke about racisms and what not all the time, and I’ll admit I laugh at some things, but it’s only because I am completely comfortable in what my opinion of others is, and that is that it doesn’t matter what you look like, where you come from, or any other attribute of someone. I am not saying that I am completely free of judgment, because that would be a lie. We all judge other people in our minds. But I don’t judge people by the color of their skin, or really by anything that they cannot control.
            It really just makes me so sad. Not to mention I loved the movie. I loved it so much. It was amazing. And ALL of the characters did amazing work. If you only knew the things people are saying. Some tweets included, “why does rue have to be black not gonna lie that kinda ruined the movie” and “why did the producers make all the good characters black smh” and this one is terrible “ Kk call me racist but when I found out rue was black her death wasn’t as sad”. And those aren’t even the worst of them. It really makes me ashamed to be in any way apart of this generation if that is what people are still thinking in their minds. It’s so frustrating when you know you’re right, but you can’t make other people see what is the right thing. It makes me feel helpless, disappointed, and angry toward these people. Towards anyone who thinks that they are better than someone else, especially because of skin color, gender, religion, or economic status. It just goes to show how much we, as a country, and we as the human race still need to grow and learn. We have come along way, I know. I just think that we could be so much further than this. We are better than that. Well we should be anyways.
            I don’t know what else to say. I’m just shocked, hurt, and surprised. I’m not naïve, I know there are people out there who are still racist. I still just can’t understand why, and I never will. 

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