Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Take a Leap of Faith?

            So today I spent 6 hours writing and practicing my speech over and over and when I finally got it down, drew on my kitty whiskers and nose, stupid WSU internet decides not to work. I spent another hour trying to make the video but the internet connection was too slow. If they expect me to post speech videos on the internet, they need to get freaking internet that works well. Preferably all the time, since the majority of the stuff I do for school involves the internet. That’s all I have to say about that.
            I need to go outside more often. I just feel like all I ever do is sit in my room and do homework or am on the internet (if it’s working, that is), or I’m walking to a class. But I just feel like I’m always in the same places. I need to take some walks around the city of Pullman or something. I’m feeling claustrophobic. Just in this town in general. I need to get out and go explore places. Deserted islands, or tropical rainforests. Just something unexplored or interesting. I’m getting a wee bit tired of the same old routines day after day. Yes, I’m learning new things each day, but I can’t do anything with this knowledge if I’m just stuck here in Pullman! Ah! I just need to be somewhere else, to go somewhere. And no, Spokane is not far enough for me. The west side of Washington is also not far enough for me. Antarctica does not feel far enough for me, although that would be plenty. Even the people I watch on television, they are in different places doing different things, but to me it just seems like they are doing the same old routines like everyone else. What fun is that? I’m reading the book, Water for Elephants, and this guy, the main character, just jumps on a random train…which happened to be a circus train, but just rides it there and then picks up working a job with the circus and traveling with them. I wish I could do something like that! Just on a whim, take a chance. And I know I could, I mean all I have to do is try. But I’m too afraid to take that big of a risk. I mean so many things could go wrong. But things could go right too. I feel like I’m just doing what I think I’m supposed to do right now, with school and all, but not what I want to be doing. Yeah, you should get a college education to get a good job, especially with this economy. But even the people with college educations aren’t getting jobs. So what? I come out of college with a piece of paper that says I’ve learned some things, loans to pay off, and no one hiring me? Unless I want to work at some dead end, fry-flipping job. Obviously that doesn’t always happen, but that’s just what I feel like could and might happen. I want to jump on a train, and go work at a traveling circus. That’s what I want to do. Maybe I will.
            No probably not. Well, I just might. Who knows. Gotta take a leap of faith at some point. Why not now? I need to get some sleep before I get too ahead of myself. Tomorrow I can take my leap. 

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