Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Favorite Thing

            I LOVE book shopping. I love it! It seemed a little odd to me today how I am so obsessed with The Hunger Games, but that I don’t even own all of the books. Unfortunately, the bookie only had the first and second, so I bought the second one, which, as long as I can make it last for this whole next week, I should be fine because I’ll buy the third when I go home. I have just been reading my roommate’s because she got all the books for Christmas I think. Anyways, I spent like an hour there just looking for new books to read. Nicholas Sparks had a new one out, but I’m not a huge fan of hardback books so I didn’t buy it. And I was really looking for the book, The Help, but they didn’t seem to have it and I was overwhelmed so I just purchased Catching Fire, and went to leave. But as I was leaving a section that I missed caught my eye. AH HA! A “Read these before you see the movie” section was there. Of course, they still didn’t have The Help, but I did happen to catch Water For Elephants, which I haven’t seen the movie yet either. Hopefully it’s good. I also looked for the book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower because I was told by a friend that it was really good, but no such luck on that find either. I shouldn’t be spending all of my money on books, but I can’t help it. It’s an addiction. I wanted to buy so many more, but I stopped myself. I almost bought The Lovely Bones, but I decided I’ll save that for later. If anyone has any good suggestions for books, please let me know.
While I’m talking about books, and since I love lists, I decided to make a list of SOME of my favorite books in no particular order. There are so many more that should be on here, and thousands upon thousands more that I need to read. But I am suggesting that everyone should read every single book on this list, multiple times.

Best Books Ever
·        The Hunger Games series (Obviously) by Suzanne Collins
·        Marley and Me by John Grogan
·        The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
·        Jars of Glass by Brad Barkley and Heather Hepler
·        Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
·        Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
·        1984 By George Orwell
·        To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
·        Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
·        The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer
·        Every book by Mitch Albom, especially For One More Day
·        Every Nicholas Sparks books
And there are so many more amazing books out there. I plan to read all of them.

Images thanks to Google Images :)

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