Sunday, March 25, 2012

Time Flies

            I cannot believe it. A little more than a month and I will be done with my first year of college. That doesn’t even seem real. I feel like a completely different person than I was a year ago. But I’m not, I’ve just added a bunch of experiences to my life that I never had before. And I know there are a ton more to come! It really has been a wonderful year so far. I love it here. Yeah…the weather isn’t always the greatest. But I would probably complain about something else if I was somewhere else. I still want to study abroad somewhere my junior year, though, get some of that type of experience.
            However, as much as I love it here in Pullman, I am so completely excited for summer to be here. I’ll be needing a job for sure, but that will get me some experience, and money! I can’t wait to hang with all of my friends, go camping, go swimming, be outdoors all the time! I am just so excited for it. I cant wait for it to be warm and pretty out. I’ll just want to be outdoors all the time! It will be really nice. I guess I am just thinking about it a lot because of how nice it was today. I went outside in shorts and a t-shirt and I was completely comfortable. I loved it! But then it was ruined because I looked at the weather for the week and it’s supposed to rain all week L but I guess that is better than snow. It’s not that I don’t like the snow, I am just ready for spring and summer! And warm weather! To actually stay! But this is Washington state so I’m not going to get my hopes up.
            This upcoming week shouldn’t be as stressful as last week, thankfully. I just have a speech and my classes to go to. So that will be nice! Looking forward to a good week. Just gotta stay positive! 

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