Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break? a.k.a. Rain.Every.Day.

         Okay I have been terrible this spring break about writing blogs. Which it should be the opposite since I’m not doing anything. I should be putting out like three a day at the rate of my doing nothing. But I’m actually not doing nothing, I’ve been working out, I am on my second book, and I’ve been watching…far too much television. I can’t really call it television, though, because the only real television I have watched is Pretty Little Liars and the Ellen Show. I’ve just been watching episodes of 90210 on Netflix on my laptop. I am not what you would call obsessed, because I would only use that word for things like say Taylor Swift or The Hunger Games of course. It’s more that I just need to know what happens, ya know? The fact that I have all three seasons at my availability to watch, how can I not see what happens next? So I’ve been doing a lot of that. I also have finally gotten out seeing some friends. I saw a group of friends the other night and we went hot tubing and played games. Last night I got to hang out with two of my roomies, Rachel and Johnny and then a few other people, Ben (the husky, ew), just kidding, Isaac, Tim, Nate, and Denis. Fun stuff, got to see some people I haven’t seen for awhile. Not to mention, I’m thinking about stealing Johnny’s newly acquired hammock that now sits in his basement and is utterly enjoyable and everyone should have one in their house.
            Now I don’t know who else is, but I am so freaking excited to watch Ferris baseball. I miss it so much. Being their manager was seriously the best decision ever. I know the team isn’t the same this year without my grade there, but still, there are some great people on that team. I wish I could be the manager again. I just hope the game doesn’t get rained out tomorrow or else I’m going to have about 40 chocolate chip cookies to eat…and I really don’t think I need that. Because chances are, I’d find a way to eat them all. Okay, not that many. But I would eat too many. And another thing I was thinking about is team dinners! I miss that so much. Always a little awkward, but also always very entertaining. So go Ferris baseball!
            I am now reading a new book, I’ve been reading for about two and a half hours and I’m almost halfway done. It’s really good. The type of book that makes you ponder life. It is called The Gift by Richard Paul Evans. So if you’re looking for a quick, really good read, then I suggest this. My friend Kristi brought it for me to read, we both love books, and so far I am really intrigued by it and am anxious to find out what happens! I finished Water for Elephants last night. Very, very good book. I recommend it. I went to Albertsons today to look in Redbox to see if they had the movie, both of their machines were absent of it, unfortunately. I’ll see it eventually! So speaking of books, I’m going to disappear off of the internet again and go into my own world of books, I’ve only actually been on Facebook once this week, other than posting my blogs. It’s extremely nice.
            Hope you’re having a great week, I know I am! 

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