Monday, March 19, 2012

Long Week Ahead

            I’m going to talk about this mysterious “A” in this blog so if you have yet to watch it then don’t read this!
            But first of all, spring break was very fun. I am not a fan of being back here, though. Mostly because of the food. Also, because I am already sick of doing work. I have two tests to study for, an essay to write on a book that I have yet to read, and I have to research for a speech that I have to have written and performed by next Wednesday. Oh and a weekly quiz. Damn. So this week will be really busy and probably stressful. I’ll get through it, though, right? I mean I have to. Look what I have to look forward to on Friday! Of course I have to make it through the week. But I’m trying not to think of the thing that I’m looking forward to at the end of this week because it will be far too distracting. Obviously, it’s on my mind, but the less I talk about it the less distracted I get. That’s another reason why I won’t let myself read the other two books again yet. Even though I really, really want to. However, I get to read this wonderfully exciting book called Discover Biology. It’s a page-turner, believe me. Can’t get enough of it.
            And I did get enough of it, considering I stopped reading it at 5 and its now almost 11. Hey, I tried. I actually like my biology class, I just don’t like to read the book because I come across one word that I don’t know and then I just space out after that. I’ll work on it.
            Pretty Little Liars… you are KILLING me. What the heck was up with that episode? Half of the episode I didn’t know what was going on at all. And as for finding out who “A” was…well so much for that. “A”  is just a puppet to someone else! Jeez. But I wasn’t expecting it to be Mona. Oh well. Still love the show. And as far as shows go, well The Voice is starting to bug me. They never pick the people I want. And the bitchy girl that I don’t like got picked today and Blake said how hot she was. -__- Okay, I’ll admit I’m a tad bit jealous. She is so full of herself, though. I guess I better try to get to sleep since I have lab in the morning and a lot of studying to do tomorrow!
            Nighty night. 

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