Sunday, March 18, 2012

Back to Pullman

            Wow. Spring break is already over. I cannot believe that. I really don’t feel like I have been home for a week. It’s weird going from school to home and back. I feel like I live two different lives, which I kind of do. It’s just an odd feeling. It was a wonderful spring break, though. It seems like I didn’t do very much, but looking back, I really did a lot. I don’t know that I got anything accomplished per se, but still I did a lot. And I ended it with a bang. Thursday night and Friday night I spent with a big group of friends doing what we do best. And I won a lot of pong games. And then last night I spent it in Cheney with Maggie. We just went party hopping. I figured I shouldn’t spend my last night, and St. Patrick’s day at home watching television. So, I made myself go out. It was a blast. Plus, I think I saw more cops in one small area than I have ever seen before. Not to mention a fire truck and I heard there was an ambulance, but I didn’t see it. And then, to top of the night, Maggie, Riley, and I made a makeshift bed out of a couch, a footrest thing, a comfy chair, and two wooden chairs. Seriously the worst idea ever. I think I slept a total of like 2 hours. Partially because Maggie and I could not stop laughing. We had the T.J.’s (and if you don’t know what those are you should be ashamed). We kept laughing at each other’s laugh, and then when it got silent, one of us would laugh again. And of course Grant and Jordan in the other room would make weird noises or talk so then we would start laughing again. I don’t even know how long that went on for, but I know that we all didn’t get to sleep till after 3:30. Me, however, I fell asleep for like a half hour, maybe. Then Riley awkwardly changed sleeping positions which made me end up having my head and shoulders on the couch and my feet on the wooden chair…with nothing under me in between. So eventually I rolled on to the floor, curled up in the fetal position because I was freezing, and tried to sleep. At some point Maggie threw a blanket on me. But the boys woke up at like 8 something so I really only got possibly two hours of sleep. I don’t even know how I am functioning right now. I am about to take a nap.
            But before I do, can I just say that: THERE ARE ONLY FIVE FREAKING DAYS UNTIL THE HUNGER GAMES COMES OUT!!!!! I have an essay, two tests to study for, and I think I may have a speech, and who knows what else to do this week. I seriously don’t know how I am going to function this week. All I can think about is the Hunger Games. It’s killing me. I want to see it so badly!! And what’s worse is that I’m not seeing it at midnight on Thursday because we wanted to see it in IMAX, so I literally have to wait 24 hours after a ton of people have seen it before I get to see it. No Facebook, twitter, or any interactions with people basically for that entire Friday. So if you see me and I ignore you, you now know why. I CAN’T WAIT!!!! You should also expect a very, extremely long blog that day after I watch the movie. And probably one before. And this week all my blogs will probably have something about the Hunger Games in it so if it annoys you: get over it.
            Okay, it’s been a long week and I think I have a lot to do tonight. So I’m going to go nap now. 

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