Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another Day Another...Wait What?

            Once again I find myself writing my blog at 3:30 in the morning. This whole college thing has really thrown my sleep schedule off a notch or two. But as long as I’m in good company. Although, half the time I stay up till 3, its because I’m in my room alone reading a good book! I can’t help it though. Reading books really runs in my family. And I was not excluded of this hobby.
            So WSU gets a snow day tomorrow…or today actually, huh? That’s some crazy weather out there. I was actually just walking outside, it was misting, the entire surface of the ground everywhere is frozen. And up until this plow thing came through the campus, it was a nice peaceful walk. The WSU campus sure is pretty. Especially blanketed with snow. It may be in the middle of nowhere, but its big and beautiful.
            I have to give this speech on Friday for my public speaking class. We have to give a speech about a partner that was chosen for us. So you’re expected to get information about the other person, and they get information about you, and then somehow we are supposed to create a metaphor to represent that person. Susie is like an apple, because sometimes she’s green with envy, but other times she is easily embarrassed and turns bright red. Now my partner’s name is not Susie, and neither of these characteristics fit her. It would be nice if they did though. I honestly don’t know how I am supposed to find a metaphor to represent this girl, Lacey is her name, and make a great speech about it. I don’t even know if I could come up with a metaphor about one of my friends. Its hard to make it real, but also make it into a really good speech. I have all the info about her that I could need. I just don’t know how to represent it metaphorically. So that’s my plan for tomorrow. I’m really going to try to avoid my books, I don’t have time to spend on them unfortunately! I guess I can survive one day without reading. I actually haven’t been reading that much in the past day or so. I think I just got frustrated with what is going on in my book that I don’t know how to deal with it. It’s kind of odd to get so caught up in a story. But it happens to me all the time. Pretty much every book I choose to read.
            So homework most of the day tomorrow, then chances are high that we will still have class on Friday, but hey, it’ll be Friday already at least! A three day week isn’t nearly anything to complain about. Except the fact that it’s going to make next week seem unbearably long. Oh well! Another day another dollar. Or I think that's how the saying goes, and I know it doesn't fit here, but it just seemed like something that I wanted to use! 
           Until next time...adios!

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