Friday, January 27, 2012

A Very Merry Unbirthday

            I HATE being sick! There should just be no more sicknesses in this world. Or at least a cure for every one of them. Although, personally I don’t trust in taking medicines anymore. I think it’s the governments way of controlling us. I know, you probably think I’m crazy. But I have a theory about the whole big brother thing. And its totally happening right under all of our noses and one day they are going to drop down and swoop in on us and take complete control before we can say supercalifragalisticexpealadocious. Totally aced that “challenge word” on my spelling test in elementary school. I’ve always been a pretty good speller. Now as for medicine goes, I don’t consider Nyquil one of those government controlled medicines. Even if it is one. If I have a cold there is no way I can sleep without it because my mouth gets all dry and my nose is plugged up. Its just miserable. I want my mommy!! Once again, I hate being sick! I should be thankful that its only a cold since I’ve heard that mono is going around Pullman. Yikes. Better steer clear of that. I haven’t had it before, but then again I’ve never really been one to be sick before I came to Pullman. All of these close proximity places here. Its like free-for-all for germs and disease. And I do wash my hands a lot. I try to avoid sitting by people who are sick. But there is just no way to totally stay away from it unfortunately.
            I wish I could make this blog longer but my Nyquil is really kicking in and I’ll be starting to write jibberish and ramble on and on. Oh wait…I already do that anyways J
            Tomorrow’s Friday! Yay! And my mommy’s birthday! Today was my step dad’s. So a very happy birthday to him! And in about two minutes it will be my mommy’s birthday so a big Happy birthday to her too! And then in three days after that it’ll be my birthday so a happy birthday to me!
            Actually now it would be aaaaaaaaaa very merry unbirthday to me! To who? A veryyyyyyyy merry unbirthday to you! To who? Gotta love Alice in Wonderland. Used to be one of my favorites. Alright. I’m off. 

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